Thursday, December 8, 2016

The Magic Tool for Longevity?

Do you notice that our ear is like an inverted fetus? According to the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and reflexology, the ears can be used as a tool to enhance our health and longevity. It is like a mini-warehouse that reflects our body and inner organs.

According to the TCM, the energy of kidneys opens to the ears, and the kidneys are the power center of our longevity. Have you ever noticed those people who have a very long lifespan usually have long and big ears? This is not a coincidence. One time I mentioned this information to a few health care professionals, they were very curious and went to check some seniors in the long-term care facilities. A few days later, they told me that they were shocked by this fact – the ear spells the secret of longevity. Such a small ear contains hundreds of acupoints and reflection areas, isn’t it amazing?

PS check our blog.

Thursday, November 10, 2016

A Cancer Killer?

Cancer has a major impact on society across the world. In 2016, an estimated 1,685,210 new cases of cancer will be diagnosed in the United States alone and 595,690 people will die from the disease. According to the National Cancer Institute, approximately 39.6 percent of men and women will be diagnosed with cancer at some point during their lifetimes. Keep in mind, most cancers can be prevented by adjusting your lifestyle.

There are many foods that have anti-cancer properties. How to spice up your life with these supercharged anti-aging and anti-cancer foods?

Do you know that Turmeric is a secret anti-aging weapon? It also has potent anti-cancer properties. But how to enjoy it and what is the best time to get the most out of it?

What about Shiitake Mushroom? This exotic mushroom is not only delicious but also has amazing health benefits.

Last, how to apply them in your kitchen to benefit your whole family? PS check our blog

#anti-cancer diet

Sunday, November 6, 2016

Waste or Treasure?

Believe it or not, the food wastes that you may think are actually treasures.

Here is a shocking fact: about one-third of the foods are wasted globally. However, some food wastes are actually hidden treasures. For example, food wastes can be a valuable and sustainable resource for the raw materials to make glass. In addition, the skins of many foods have amazing health benefits. Unfortunately, we throw them away without awareness.

Here is another shocking fact: a recent report by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations estimates that the worldwide direct economic cost of food waste is more than $750 billion. Unbelievable, isn’t it? With this huge amount of money, we can build anything out of our imagination. If each of us can be more conscious about the food wastes and use them wisely, not only should we reduce the cost for processing food waste, but also benefit our health from different parts of the food. Here are a few examples.

  1. Do you know that corn silk is a magical remedy to treat high blood pressure, jaundice and much more?
  2. What about the orange skins? They are excellent to treat indigestion and bronchitis.
  3. If you eat the sweet potato with skins on it, you will not suffer from the heartburn, because the skin of the sweet potato aids digestion.
What about banana skins and turnip skins? They have amazing health benefits that can blow you away. I think foods are the blessings from Mother Nature, we should make the most out of it and don't take it for granted.

PS check our blog to find out more on how to turn food waste into treasure.

Thursday, October 6, 2016

The Shocking Link Between the Brain function and Hormone Imbalance

In the last video, I talked about how the xenohormones can affect our hormone balance. Today I am going to talk about the synthetic hormones. And how are they created?

Mother Nature has a great wisdom that humans have not been able to duplicate a natural substance in a synthetic form. This is how they make synthetic progesterone, change a few molecules and bonds of the chemical structure of nature progesterone and create a synthetic one, give it a new name such as Progestin and patent it. So they can make money out of it. Did you see the difference of the chemical structure between the progestin and natural progesterone? They are certainly not the same. But most of us are not aware that natural progesterone is presented abundantly in nature, such as in soybeans and wild yam. They are easy to obtain and also very cheap, only 50 cents for each gram. But the pharmaceutical companies have no interest to sponsor the research on natural progesterone and produce it because they cannot patent it and make money out of it. Instead of using the gift from nature, we are given the synthetic ones because this is the way money will follow.

But making a few changes in the chemical structures will change the whole story, as we already see this in the chemical structure of estrogen and testosterone. The chemical structures of them are very similar but their functions are totally different. When we take synthetic hormone drugs, they may deliver a different message in our body. Worse than this, because they are foreign chemicals to our body, so they cannot be metabolized properly and removed properly. As a result, they stay longer in our body. The longer they stay, the more damage they can do to our health. 

Here is the most interesting part. Do our foods cause us many side effects? If this is the case, then it is not called as food. Nature provides us many amazing healing ingredients without side effects. But this is a different story when it comes to a drug. Almost all the drugs have a long list of side effects along with it.

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

To Drug Or not? The Shocking Truth Behind The Synthetic Hormones Revealed! (Must See!)

To Drug Or not? The Shocking Truth Behind The Synthetic Hormones Revealed! (Must See!) This video is going to show you the dark secrets behind the pharmaceutical companies who create the drugs. You may become a victim for them for years without awareness. This is a wake-up call. What is the truth behind the hormone issues for women? PS watch the video to find out more...

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Discover the Magic of Food Combining With Goji Berries

Do you know that goji berry is one of the most popular anti-aging herbs in the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)? It has been used for more than 2000 years and treats a wide range of health conditions, inducing kidney problems, vision loss, and insomnia. 

Goji berries are considered to be a tonic to the kidneys, they were used to enhance the immune system, promote longevity and improve eye-sight long time ago. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, Goji berry is believed to go to the channels of liver, kidneys, and lung, thus nourishes the liver and kidneys, and moistens the lung. 

However, if you just eat goji berries alone, you may not get the most benefits out of it. One of the main emphases in the TCM is that food combining makes a big difference when it comes to enhancing the therapeutic benefits of one and another.

In Traditional Chinese Medicine, the kidneys are the powerhouse of one’s physical health. By strengthening the kidney’s function, one will have increased energy level and stamina.

And much more, please check our blog.

Thursday, September 15, 2016

The Magical Healing Power of Papaya That You May not Know

The fall season is here! It is a perfect time to restore your energy with those healing foods. Papaya is one of them.

Since I was a teenager, I fell in love with papaya. I found it is not only very tasty but also has magical healing powers. When I get stomach upset with the wrong food, papaya comes handy, which keeps me away from the trouble.

Papaya also does wonder for your skin, it is one of the most popular natural ingredients in the facial products. It not only helps diminish aging spots but also brightens your skin and gives your skin a young and resilient look. You may wonder how it works.

Papaya is also one of the best fruits for women, it eases cramps and pain from the menstruation.

This is only a few snapshots of the amazing health benefits from papaya. To find out more about this powerful healing weapon and how to enjoy it in many ways, please check our blog.

Friday, August 26, 2016

The Shocking Link Between Hormone Imbalance and Cancers

Do you know that the chemical structure of estrogen and testosterone are very similar and just the difference of a few atoms? This means these few atoms make the big difference between men and women. Is that interesting?

How do the pharmaceutical companies create drugs? Similar to this, they pick up a compound from nature that has therapeutic benefits, then they change a few atoms of the chemical structure of this compound to mimic the therapeutic effects. This way they can patent it and rename it to make big money out of it. However, the change of a few atoms of a chemical structure makes a huge difference in terms of treatment.

If you pay attention and read the side effects of any synthetic drug, the list can go on and on. But did you experience such side effects with a food that the Mother Nature offers us? If this is the case, the food would be toxic to us.

This is the reason that any synthetic drug cannot replace the ingredient from nature. The truth is that the pharmaceutical companies have been taking advantage of the ignorance of the majority of the population and created many harmful synthetic drugs that Mother Nature cannot recognize. The reason they discard anything from nature is because they cannot patent it, so they cannot make money out of it.

This is very true when it comes to hormone replacement therapy.  If you took birth control pills before, you are likely to suffer from menopause symptoms more significantly than those who didn’t take it. This also increases your risk of certain cancers.

Here is another shocking news, Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) and birth control pills are linked to certain cancers based on recent researchers. PS check this video to find out more.

If you enjoy the content, PS subscribe to my channel to receive more cutting edge videos. Thank you for your support. 

Thursday, August 18, 2016

The Link Between Pesticides And Cancer Risk?

Do you know that pesticides are linked to the increased risks of certain cancers, including breast cancer? This is based on recent studies. How can this happen? Most pesticides are petroleum based, they care called xenohormones. They have estrogen-like activities, which can take up the estrogen receptors in our body and cause hormone imbalance including estrogen dominance. Worse than that, the enzymes in our body do not recognize these foreign chemicals, so the pathways to break down these chemicals are altered. Because they are not properly broken down, they stay in our body much longer compared to other end products from the natural biochemical pathway in our body, which can be eliminated from our body more efficiently. The longer these foreign chemicals stay in our body, the more damage they cause to our body, including the cause of certain cancers.

Here is a list of the most contaminated food that most of us are enjoying every day without awareness.

How to reduce the pesticides in our food and protect our health? PS check our recent blog.

In the end, it is our body that is the only place for us to live. 

Thursday, August 11, 2016

How To Shrink The Waistline Fast?

Have you ever thought that the gut bacteria flora (microbiota) may be the culprit for the weight gain? And are you suffering from bloating and digestive problems chronically?

Gut microbiota is harbored in the intestine and each of us has a unique gut flora just like our fingerprint. Surprisingly enough, you may not know that your gut microbiota contains tons of trillions of bacteria – ten times more cells than in your body. In total, your gut microbiota can weigh up to 2 kg. Shocking, isn’t it? It plays an important role in the immune system, digestive system and performs a barrier effect for your intestine.

So what is the difference between a healthy gut and a fatty gut?

And how could you improve your gut function and prevent weight gain?

Last but not least, why should you reduce the antibiotics and other environmental toxins if possible? Please check here.

#weightloss,#gut function

Thursday, August 4, 2016

How It Feels Like To Turn back The clock?

What if we could turn back the clock and keep our young and vibrant body long lasting? Our ancestors have been looking for ant-aging solutions since the ancient time. From time to time, we look at the celebrities especially movie stars, they seem never aging, and we wonder what their anti-aging secrets are

The truth is your body is your best friend; it has been with you for such a long time, so give some appreciation to your body, thank your body for supporting you and loving you. If you take care of your body the right way, it will reflect from your outer look.
Anti-aging secrets cannot live without an amazing anti-aging diet.  Those anti-aging foods will fight for you to look and feel radiant and amazing from the inside and out.
What you focus will expand, so take action today for your ever young look and amazing body. To learn more about a supercharged ant-aging diet.  PS read here.

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Use Food To Lose Weight?

Have you ever thought that food can help you lose weight? But how?

Exercise is just one way to burn calories. Your internal organs can also burn calories for you by digesting the food. This is the idea how to let the food boost your metabolism. A successful weight loss depends on a highly active metabolism. If you have a fast metabolism, you will burn calories more efficiently than those who have a low metabolic rate.  As a result, you will be able to manage your weight more effectively less change to gain weight. The truth is a fit body will keep you away from the doctors for many years to come.

Some foods have more complex structures that require more energy to break down them, so your body has to work hard to burn more calories in order to digest this type of foods. For example, a cup of juice is about 120 calories. 3 ounces of cooked lean chicken meat is about 130 calories. Juice is considered as simple sugar. It is mostly glucose, which is not only much easier for your digestive system to process, but also raises your blood sugar quickly. On the other hand, the lean chicken meat contains mostly protein, which is a macronutrient that has a more complicated structure. As a result, your body has to burn more calories to break down protein into amino acids in order to easily absorb the nutrients.

Now you have an idea about what I am talking about. Here is a list of the top food that will make your body work hard to burn more calories to digest them even you are at rest.

Weight loss can be easy, sometimes it just depends on what you eat.

PS check our recent blog here.

#weightlosstips, #metabolism

Saturday, July 16, 2016

How to Become an Abundance Magnet?

Here is an interesting study, when we were born; everyone is equipped with a genius mind. However, after we grow up, only 2% of us are able to use their genius mind and rest lost their gifts. How could this happen? One explanation is too many influences from our environment that have reshaped our belief system. As a result, our mind is wrapped with so many layers of protection that we have developed a habitual thinking, which is to follow what should be right instead of what we desire. Especially after years of studying at school, many active genius brains are buried to fit into a career or a job. Einstein once said, “Imagination is more important than the knowledge.” Because imagination is unlimited and embraces the whole world, why is imagination so important? It is the source of creativity.

Everyone desires to live an abundant life. The truth is creativity is the universal source of abundance. Imagination and creativity are the most important assets to create abundance in your life. However, most of us feel that we are losing these precious intellectual facilities today due to the formal education that we receive. Abundance is also a mindset; people who attract abundance come from an abundance mindset first. Mike Todd once said, “Being broke is a temporary situation. Being poor is a state of mind.”

So how to unlock your potential and reactivate your abundance genius inside you? PS check our unique meditation recording that combines sacred geometry, NLP (Neuro-linguistic Programming) and kundalini awakening, connects you with the Mastermind from the Infinite Intelligence and reawakens your abundance genius from within. Helps you raise your deservedness and lift your abundance threshold and brings you to a new level of abundance that you have never thought possible.

PS check our “Reactivate Your Abundance Genius” Meditation recording now.

Thursday, June 23, 2016

The Easiest Way to Detox?

Today we are facing an environment that exposes us to plenty toxic substances that you can think of, especially petroleum products such as gas and plastic products. Many of them are environmental estrogens that affect our natural hormone balance.  As a result, our liver and kidneys are heavily loaded and have to work hard to process these toxins; our thyroid function is compromised as well.

Instead of shopping for all sorts of remedies, one of the simplest ways to detox is your drinks. What can you do with your drinks?

People commonly think of tea, what about other magical ingredients that can bring you numerous health benefits? Lemon is one of them.

You may wonder why choose lemon? PS check our recent blog to find out more

#detox, #weightlosstips

Saturday, June 18, 2016

Why Less is More?

The first time that I knew the magic healing power of clove oil was when I had a sore gum and a massage therapist introduced it to me, since then, I started to explore more about this amazing spice and apply it into my daily life. So what makes cloves and clove oil so appealing?

Surprisingly enough, among all the herbs and spices, clove is ranked as a champion anti-oxidant due to its highest ORAC (oxygen radical absorbance capacity) level. Not only that, cloves also provide many other incredible health benefits.

Do you know how to enjoy cloves in many ways in your cooking to benefit their super charged healing power?

One of my simple tips to enjoy clove oil is to add 1-2 drops of clove oil in my favorite chamomile tea. The penetrating smell of the clove oil gives the tea a hot and sweet flavor, and I really enjoy it.

All you need is 1-2 drops clove oil in your drink, less is more!

#clove and clove oil

Thursday, May 19, 2016

A Well-kept Secret From Nature?

One study found that the amount of vitamin A that our grandparents would get from one orange in the past equals the amount found in eight oranges today! Is that shocking?

Studies show that crops grown in the past were actually healthier than what we have today. Modern agricultural methods have depleted nutrients from the soil which results in much less nutritious 
fruits,vegetables, and grains. 

In addition to poor soil conditions, the nutritional value of our food supply is also significantly reduced due to poor agriculture practices, such as picking crops too early, freezing, drying and processing. Also,produce often travels great distances to reach the consumers in another country, which leads to further nutrient depletion.

So what can 
you ensure an adequate amount of nutrients from the food for your health?

Nature always amazes us with some wonder foods. Have you heard about fulvic acid and humic acid? They are powerful healing agents, not only vital to the plants’ growth, but also provide multiple amazing positive effects on our health.

PS check our recent blog to find out more about these 
well-kept secrets from nature.

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Are You Sacrificing Your Health For the Beauty?

Have you ever thought what the main cause of hormone imbalance for women? I suffered from hormone imbalance in my early 20s due to the fact that I was working as a chemical engineer in a big petroleum company at that time. I often had light headaches, irritation of my mood, and my menstrual cycles were all messed up. Luckily I made a quick switch that has changed my life forever. Later I realized that my health issue was trigged by the work environment. Hard to believe it, isn’t it?

In fact, many of our health related issues are related to the environmental pollution. Here are a few examples:

Lead released from vehicular emissions, paints and burning of plastics can impair neurological development, suppress the hematological system and cause kidney failure.

Cadmium from electronics, plastics, batteries and contaminated water can lead to irritation of the lungs and gastrointestinal tract, kidney damage, abnormalities of the skeletal system and cancer of the lungs and prostate.

What about your cosmetics and your favorite nail polish? Do you know that you may sacrifice your health for the beauty?

PS check our recent blog to find out more. 

Sunday, April 24, 2016

9 Fun Ways To Boost Your Happiness!

Positive emotions such as happiness and excitement help open your mind and allow a free flow of ideas and intellectual possibilities, which bring in more opportunities and makes life more interesting and worth living. Here are a few interesting facts based on studies:

· Happiness makes you fitter and healthier: People are more playful when they’re happy. Happy people are more likely to exercise on a regular basis due to their higher self-esteem. Did you know that positive emotions can lower your blood pressure and reduce the risk for cardiovascular disease?

· Happiness can make you more intelligent: People learn better when they’re in a positive frame of mind. Laughter makes kids pay attention and attention is the key to learning.

Passion, on the other hand, is the fuel to bring in endless happiness in your life. Why?

Passion is an energy booster, a light in the dark and the engine for a car. It opens doors to success!

How to boost your happiness and passion in fun ways? Please check our blog.


Saturday, April 9, 2016

The Shocking Missing Pieces Behind the Dry Eyes!

Eyes are the window to the soul. It requires special care just as we take care of our physical body. Today we have more advanced technology such as laser treatment to fix the vision problem, but we are not paying attention to what are the causes of eye issues such as dryness, irritation, and fatigue.

Have you ever experience a prolonged period of the dry eyes? Eye drops are only the temporary relief but not the ultimate solution. Surprisingly, certain hormone receptors are in your eyes, so the symptoms of your eyes could relate to your hormone imbalance, is that shocking?

What are the natural and effective solutions to bring you not only beautiful eyes but also a young look?

PS check our recent blog.

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Why Detox?

Why should you detox your body? Here are a few reasons:

  1. Lack of energy and feel tired.
  2. Hard to lose weight and keep it off.
  3. Cannot resist sugar and carb cravings.
There are so many detox programs out there, what are they selling and how to identify the truth out of the cloud?

What about the detox diet? How to use these supercharged detox foods to make you feel lighter, cleaner and healthier this summer?

Last but not least, never starve your body for the purpose of detoxification or cleansing. Starvation does more harm than good. Simplicity is the way to go. The best way is to customize your own detox diet plan to fit your lifestyle and achieve your specific goal.

For more information about how to use detoxification to BOOST your weight loss engine and keep fit, please check our blog here.


Thursday, March 17, 2016

Death Begins In The Colon?

“Death begins in the colon”, no matter who said it, it sounds scary but true.
 Most of us wash our hands many times a day to remove dirt and potential bacteria. It only makes sense to clean the inside of our bodies periodically to help remove wastes and toxins and keep our body functioning at its best.
In fact, there are many health benefits to cleansing your body including:
  • Improving digestion
  • Promoting intestinal health
  • Increasing energy levels
  • Increasing nutrient absorption
  • Enhancing efficiency of body systems and functions

Especially enjoy a glass of pleasant herbal detox tea in this hot summer, would that be easy and fun to make it?

To find out more, PS check here.

A detoxification process should not be too hard to follow, simplicity is the key. There are many ways to detox and cleanse your body. Herbal detoxification is my favorite one.

Especially enjoy a glass of pleasant herbal detox tea in a hot weather, would that be easy and fun to make it?

To find out more, PS check here.


Saturday, March 12, 2016

How To Burn Fat Like a Furnace?

Have you ever thought why some people are burning calories like furnaces while others are hibernating like bears in winter? who can survive on very little foods without losing weight?

It would be nice to have a body like a furnace to blast off your body fat easily and effortlessly, so what is the secret?

The secret is to increase your muscle mass! The muscle mass is at least 3 times more metabolically active than the fat, which means it burns calories more efficiently. So how to increase your muscle mass?

  1. Sports nutrition: Learn how to give the right dose and right ingredients at the right time.
  2. Optimize your workout: it is not about the more exercises the better; it is also not about the longer exercise the better.
  3. Maximize your outcome: The types of exercises count in terms of how to burn fat faster.
For more information, you could read our blog: How to Burn Fat faster.


Why Mindful Eating?

Have you ever thought that many health related issues are associated with the disconnection of our body and mind? Today, with eating disorders becoming more and more prevalent in teenagers, we might want to look at our environmental triggers such as TV dinner and eating go the go.

I have noticed that many digestive issues are related to mindless eating, such as binge eating and irritable bowel syndromes. Food serves a fuel for our body. You may not realize that the food being blessed and appreciated provides better nutrition for us.

Mindful eating not only helps children establish a healthy eating habit, but also helps them be in touch with their body and prevent obesity and eating disorders later in life, furthermore, mindful eating is an art and a joy to appreciate food and enjoy the pleasure from eating.

How to teach your children to practice mindful eating ? It is a very simple process, but you are the role model for your children, mindful eating has to start from you first.

Take action today and make food serve you and your family the best. For more information, please check out our blog


Do You Believe Your Mind?

Here is a true story. One day I was having a lunch with a friend. We were talking about politics. She said, "Rich people are greedy, all they want is more money and I hope the new Prime Minister is going to charge more taxes for the rich people." I asked her, "Do you want to be rich?" She said, "Of cause! No one wants to be poor." Then I asked with a smile on my face, "If rich people are greedy, would you still want to be rich?" She looked at me with a surprised eye, didn't answer my question immediately and contemplated on my question. After a while, she said, "Interesting, I never thought this way before." I said, "There are lots of rich people who give their money away to charity. If you think rich people are greedy, in your subconscious mind, you don't want to be rich because you don't want to be greedy." She nodded her head and agreed with me. You see how powerful your limiting beliefs can prevent you from reaching your dreams and desires.

Here are a few more examples:

  • If I am rich, I have to pay too many
  • If I am rich, I will be robbed.
  • If I am rich, I will be greedy.
  • If I am rich, people will take advantage of me.
  • There is a limited supply of money.
Beliefs are solid ideas that are stored in your subconscious mind. Where are they from? It could be from your religions, your environment, your family and friends, and the collective consciousness you live in. You may have those limiting beliefs that you are not consciously aware of, which cause the mental blocks in your mind and prevent you from creating your dreamed life. One way to check your belief system is muscle testing, which is to align your physical body with your energy body to obtain the truth. Even if you are consciously aware, it is a good idea to track down the root and clear it at a deep level. For example, if you feel you are not worthy enough to deserve wealth and abundance. You are pushing it away, even consciously you want more wealth and abundance.  This belief may exist at the history level, but not at the soul level.

I created this belief work, which targets health, love and wealth. Each of them contains 101 belief systems. By using Theta healing charged into this audio program, it releases and clears those limiting beliefs instantly and reprograms your belief system with positive beliefs. As you believe, so you become!

PS check my new program "Theta Healing Encoded Belief work for Love, Health and Wealth".


Friday, March 4, 2016

How To Become a Manifest Magnet?

Here is an interesting story. A woman once lived in a beautiful and gorgeous home in a rich suburban district with lots of servants to make her happy. This home was a large rambling house, facing a beautiful lake in the front and a well-designed flower garden in the backyard. Her life was just about as complete as one might dream about. But, with all this wealth and comfortable life, this woman complained to her friends many times that she wished one day she could be relieved of the big house and all its problems and live in a trunk. She wanted a room for herself and just large enough to move around without any extra space to dust and to keep clean.

A few years later, her husband died and left the house to her. She sold the house at a sacrifice as she wanted to get rid of it as soon as possible. Her other holdings depreciated so much in value through unwise investments and transfers that she had only a small income left. She went to live with her sister, and her wish came true, she now has a small room and practically lives in a trunk. All she has is more complaints with no happiness.

Her new reality is created from her limited thinking and consciousness. Her thinking is materialized within a few years. You see how powerful your thoughts can create your reality.

Scientists reveal that our mind is the creative cause that shapes our reality. Our personal conditions are the results of our actions, which are the direct outcome of our thoughts. The only way to change our reality is to change our thoughts. When we learn to employ our minds constructively, we use these hidden powers, forces, and faculties correctly. This is the key to live a more successful and meaningful life.

How to develop your mind in such a powerful a way that you can attract your true desire quickly? Please check our blog.
