Saturday, February 12, 2022

February Astrology - The Light of Freedom

Astrology is the pulse of our timeline. What can you expect in February? The energy of February is speedy because all the planets go direct this month. The full moon in February is also called the Snow Moon due to the typically heavy snowfall that occurs in February. The energy in February is very positive to start with.

Numerology Sheds the Light
The full moon will arrive on Feb.16th at 27 degrees of Leo. Number 7 (1+6 =7) is highlighted in this month, which is the number of spirits, it is associated with faith and inner wisdom. 27 degrees have been repeating at each full moon for a few months. The sum of the single digit of 27 is 9 (2+7 = 9). Number 9 is associated with changes and endings. The energy of both numbers is expressing itself during this month. It is the faith and the strength of spirit that bring people together to form worldly events at large, such as the Canadian Trucker Freedom Convoy that ignites the global movement for freedom. God's spirit of 9 is in motion and expression. The transformative planet Pluto will return to the natal chart of the United States on February 22nd, 2022. Number 22 is a master number as a global builder, we can expect that the United States will lead the world for transformation at a large scale, including political structure, finance, education, etc.

New Moon Ignites Passion
The new moon on February 1st in Aquarius highlights equality and humanity. It also coincided with the Chinese New Year – The Year of Tiger. The Year of Tiger can trigger impulsive and restless energy, the tiger is associated with communication and the element of water. 2022 is a water tiger year, so is 2023. We can expect our emotions are highly charged this year. Venus-Mars conjunction will kick off in February in Capricorn and forms exact conjunction on the 16th at 16 degrees, back to number 7 again. Venus and Mars conjunction is associated with social transgression, sex scandals, children trafficking, etc., which can be the spotlights in the news this month, of course, mainstream media will downplay the game, you have to do your own research.

What is the impact on your personal life and outlook of the near future, please click here.

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