Saturday, May 18, 2024

How to Decode the Messages from Your Body?

Did you know any signs or symptoms are the messages from your body that are seeking attention and help from you? Let’s dive into a few. According to TCM, headaches at different locations in your head are caused by the blockage in different meridians, how to interpret it?

Headache on both sides of your head is usually caused by the blockage in the Gallbladder meridian. Headache occurring in the back of your head is usually caused by the blockage in the Bladder meridian, which is the longest meridian channel from your feet to the head for detoxification. When you suffer from a headache on the top of your head, it is usually caused by the blockage in the liver meridian.

What about the headache on your forehead? What are the solutions to relieve different types of headaches without any drug intervention?

When you wake up in the morning, you notice a strange taste in your mouth, what does it mean? Different tastes in your mouth especially right after you wake up indicate potential health challenges. Let’s dive into it.

Please check my new video. 

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