Saturday, July 6, 2024

Suffer from Constipation or Diarrhea?

Have you heard about Turkey Rhubarb? Also known as Da Huang in Traditional Chinese Medicine, Himalayan rhubarb, or Chinese rhubarb, is a large perennial plant in the Polygonaceae family native to China that can grow up to ten feet tall. Its stem is purple, round, and hollow, and extends past the leaves. The roots are used medicinally. It contains certain potent biochemical compounds that help treat many health conditions. The plant's fresh leaves are highly toxic and cannot be eaten, but can be boiled and used as an insecticide.

Turkey rhubarb contains calcium oxalate, anthraquinones, tannins, and various fatty acids. The tannins and anthraquinones have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Turkey rhubarb is a strong digestive purgative that relieves constipation. It has an astringent and antiseptic effect, which is a great intestinal cleanser and protects the colon. It also functions as a diuretic. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, it is used externally as an anti-inflammatory and antiseptic compress to promote the healing of burns and ulcers. It is used internally to cleanse the liver and treat jaundice. It also inhibits the growth of cancer cells.

According to studies, Turkey rhubarb has blood-clotting properties that help promote clotting and prevent excess bleeding during menstruation. Its anti-inflammatory properties with the presence of tannins and anthraquinones, plus controlling bleeding, help ease the cramps and control excessive bleeding during menstruation for women.

Turkey rhubarb contains anthraquinones, a powerful purgative to eliminate harmful gut bacteria. It also has an astringent effect, which helps relieve diarrhea. Anthraquinones in Turkey rhubarb have a laxative effect that can help relieve constipation. 

Turkey rhubarb has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and diuretic properties, which protect against kidney damage. It can be used to treat diabetic nephropathy and kidney disease. The primary components emodin and rhein have a protective effect on the kidneys.

Anthraquinones in Turkey rhubarb also help kill cancer cells. Emodin is a type of anthraquinone that induces death in cancer cells and prevents cancer cell proliferation. Another anthraquinone rhein helps prevent the absorption of glucose by the cancer cells and modifies their membranes to kill them. Aloe-emodin in Turkey rhubarb is a bioactive compound with anti-carcinogenic and anti-proliferative properties.
Turkey rhubarb also has astringent and antibacterial properties, which help treat various skin conditions such as sores and burns.

Here are some highlights of Turkey Rhubarb:

  • Cleanses the colon and relieves constipation.
  • Protects kidneys and prevents renal failure.
  • Eases the cramps and controls excessive bleeding during menstruation for women.
  • Reduces cancer risks and prevents metastasis.
  • Lowers high cholesterol and aids weight loss.
  • Helps treat various skin conditions including burns and sores.

You can take 1/2 to 1 teaspoon of dried herb in a cup of boiling water, infuse for about 10 minutes, drink it in the mornings and evenings as a laxative, or take it in a tincture form, 1-2 ml three times daily. For diarrhea, 1/8-1/4 teaspoon for a cup of boiling water is often recommended.

Taking rhubarb in large quantities can contribute to anemia because it can bind metals such as iron. It is not advised for individuals with kidney stones due to the high oxalate content. Studies also suggest that people who have Crohn’s disease and colitis should avoid this herb. It is also not recommended for pregnant women. 

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