Saturday, June 29, 2024

How Can Your Sweat Spell Your Health?

Sweat is considered normal and healthy if you are doing exercise or in hot weather, but excess sweat without environmental triggers indicates potential health challenges, let’s dive into it.

Sweat on the Forehead

This may be an indication of unproductive thyroid or liver function and weak digestive function. This can also be triggered by a hot temper, which is linked to the emotional aspect of the liver. It is a good idea to do a blood test to check your liver enzymes such as ALP, AST, ALT, and GGT, and thyroid function such as TSH, T3, and T4, and reversed T3. If your thyroid function and liver function are normal, you should work on your diet and limit fatty food, add more fresh vegetables to your diet, and go organic as much as you can to limit toxins from pesticides and herbicides that can impact your liver function and gut health. Reducing stress and getting in touch with nature will help balance the energy flow in the liver meridian and bring calmness and inner peace to the body and mind.

Sweat on the Nose

This may be linked to weak lung function, especially energy deficiency in the lung meridian. Individuals may experience emotional stress such as sadness and sorrow in life that can impact lung function. Chronic stress and overwork can also drain the energy in your lung meridian. Develop a healthy lifestyle and balance your work with adequate exercise and sleep, these are the keys to maintaining your health in general. Food with white colors such as pears and mushrooms helps soothe the lungs. Deep breathing exercise is a great way to boost the energy flow in your lung meridian. You can check my previous video on different types of breathing exercises, I will add the link in the description box below. Astragalus is an excellent herb from TCM that can strengthen the energy flow in your lung meridian and boost immunity. Scraping your thumb with a scraping board is a great way to boost your lung energy, please check my previous content on this.

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