Saturday, August 31, 2024

Carob - A Healthy Alternative to Chocolate!

Carob fruits grow on a carob tree or shrub. They produce dark pods that contain 8 to 12 brown seeds with a sweet flavor. Carob belongs to the legume family. The tree is native to the Mediterranean region but is also grown in the US and other countries. These cultures often substitute carob for chocolate. The fruits are pods and contain the pulp and seeds. The raw state of this fruit is bright green and it hardens and becomes brown as it dries and matures.

This fruit is rich in antioxidants such as polyphenols and has a similar flavor to cocoa or chocolate. Carob is low in calories and is an excellent source of fiber, B vitamins, calcium, and magnesium. Carob contains three times more calcium than milk, which helps maintain a regular heartbeat and healthy bones. It improves bone density, strengthens the bones and teeth, and prevents fractures and osteoporosis. It also contains selenium that helps maintain the thyroid function and immune function.
Carob contains tannins and fiber, which improve gastrointestinal health and maintain a healthy gut microbiome. It can reduce diarrhea, heartburn, and vomiting. The tannins prevent the growth of harmful bacteria that cause SIBO (small intestine bacteria overgrowth).

Both carob and cocoa contain polyphenol, Research has shown this antioxidant helps prevent heart disease and reduces cholesterol levels in the body. This antioxidant eliminates harmful free radicals and helps prevent certain cancers. Carob is rich in antioxidants, which help improve cholesterol and triglyceride levels. Therefore, it plays a role in preventing cardiovascular diseases including atherosclerosis because the antioxidants in carob prevent fat deposits in the arteries and decrease fat absorption in the body. The fiber content in carob also helps with weight loss.

For diabetes, carob helps prevent spikes in blood sugar as it contains far less sugar and calories, and it is also rich in fiber, such as pectin. Carob can help stabilize blood sugar by keeping blood glucose levels within normal ranges due to its low glycemic index.
Carob does not contain caffeine and has a sweet flavor, therefore, it can be used as a substitute for chocolate or cocoa. It can be consumed at night without interfering with sleep quality, particularly for those who are sensitive to caffeine. For example, you can use carob milk to replace chocolate milk, as its flavor is very similar, but it does not contain caffeine. Simply add 1 teaspoon of carob powder to 1 glass of milk, here comes your carob milk. Carob is also free from the oxalic acid found in cocoa, which can contribute to kidney stones. Being a member of the legume family, carob contains some antinutrients such as phytic acid and lectins, which are mainly found in the seeds, you can minimize them by avoiding the seeds. Heating also helps destroy these antinutrients. You can choose roasted carob powder over raw carob powder if you are sensitive to these compounds.

Amazing health benefits of carob fruits include the following:

  • Rich in polyphenols and fiber that help improve gut health.
  • Help stabilize blood sugars for diabetes.
  • Improve cholesterol profiles and benefit cardiovascular health.
  • Promote weight loss and support fat burning.
  • They are caffeine-free as a healthy alternative to chocolate.

Carob can be used in powder form in recipes for cakes, puddings, and sweets. It can be used as a substitute for cocoa powder or chocolate. Carob can act as a stool-bulking compound without blocking mineral absorption from food. You can find a variety of delicious recipes containing carob online.

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