Saturday, August 17, 2024

How to Boost Your Anti-aging Engine at the Cellular Level?

Mitochondria are the tiny organelles that serve as a powerhouse for your cells. They generate most of the chemical energy for your body’s biochemical reactions.  Your body uses this continuous energy supply from your mitochondria to carry out all normal functions like breathing and muscle contractions. When mitochondria are damaged, cells don’t have enough energy to properly function and maintain themselves. Also, damaged mitochondria disrupt proper cellular functions, which leads to aging. Each cell has over 1000 mitochondria when we are young, but the numbers are declining as we are aging. As we age, mitochondria become less in number and less efficient. This means your body produces less energy and your metabolism slows down. Improving your mitochondria function is critical to both longevity and weight loss. Let’s talk about natural ways to boost mitochondria productivity.

Nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN) and nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD) are two molecules that have gained lots of attention in the health community recently. NMN is a molecule that naturally occurs in all living cells. It is a derivative of niacin (vitamin B3) and is particularly involved in energy metabolism. NMN serves as a precursor to NAD and boosts levels of NAD. NAD is a necessary cofactor and enzyme that cooperates with essential biochemical processes in our bodies. NADH and NAD+ are essentially divergent models of NAD, one contains bonus electrons and one does not, with electrons exchanged between the two as a catalytic chemical reaction. NAD+ is the active form of the coenzyme and NADH is the reduced form, which means NAD+ accepts hydrogen atoms and electrons from the breakdown of glucose and other fuels and becomes reduced to NADH. NAD+ is involved in various enzymatic reactions. These metabolic pathways are responsible for generating ATP, the primary energy source of cells. NAD+ is critical in maintaining cellular energy levels by facilitating these processes. Decreased NAD+ levels often lead to a complete breakdown within this chemical reaction. NAD levels normally fall with age, affecting our health in many ways, including decreased energy production because NAD participates in redox reactions that convert nutrients into energy. The mitochondria are the powerhouse for energy production and low NAD levels can cause mitochondrial dysfunction. NAD is also involved in repairing damaged DNA. Low NAD levels can cause cellular damage and increase the risk of developing cancers and other health challenges such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, dementia, and weakened immunity. NAD is also involved in the energy production for physical activity. Low NAD levels can affect our endurance for intensive exercises due to a decline in skeletal muscle mass and strength.

To learn how to boost your NMN and NAD levels naturally and find other ways to boost your mitochondrial performance, please check my recent video.

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