Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Sept. Lunar Eclipse - Letting Go!

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse between Sept.17-18th is in the sign of Pisces in Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra. Lunar Eclipses are about relationships and polarities. Venus is at the last phase of transiting from Virgo to Libra during this eclipse, this may indicate the possible change of your relationship status. This Nakshatra signifies an ending and a new beginning. Letting go of the old reality and preparing a new chapter. This is a very spiritual energy for healing, manifestation, meditation, and kundalini awakening. With Mercury behind Venus in the Leo sign and Jupiter as the ruler of Pisces in Taurus, this eclipse may also trigger changes related to finances and business contracts. There may be deception involved in this matter with Rahu involved. With Neptune in Pisces, this lunar eclipse energy can sharpen your intuition and increase your imagination. Mars in Gemini forms a T- square with this lunar eclipse, you may feel impatient and frustrated. Pisces is also linked to health and healing, more light will be shed on our current healthcare system that needs transformation. This lunar eclipse will bring more spiritual awakening in the next couple of months. People with Libra, Taurus, and Virgo signs will have the most impact.

This Lunar Eclipse in Pisces shifts us into a state of heightened awareness. It’s a time to pay attention to your dreams, insights, or thoughts/emotions that can be messages and creative projects waiting for you to manifest and deliver. It’s a time to tap into our imaginative, creative, and visionary nature and take a quantum leap to dive into the unknown ocean. Uncertainty is the only certainty. 

Please check a variety of readings that I offer here.

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