Sunday, September 15, 2024

The Best Transit of Venus of the Year!

Venus will transit in its own sign Libra from Sept.18th to Oct.13th, the best transit of Venus of the year! Venus signifies relationships, unions, the marketplace, love and romance, and finances. This transit will help relieve many of us who experienced the tension between the Sun and Saturn in the past couple of weeks because the Sun is in Leo opposing retrograde Saturn in Aquarius, creating conflicts with authorities. Sun will move into Virgo on Sept.16th.  Venus’s strong influence will bring more harmony in relationships and increased financial stability, which many of us are looking for. Let’s take a brief look at each Zodiac sign from Vedic Astrology, which represents your rising sign or the moon sign.

Aries: This transit may bring new business opportunities and new romance, and create harmony in relationships.

Taurus: This transit suggests you take care of your health and daily work, especially your gut health and reproductive system. You may have to work harder to achieve your goals.

Gemini: This transit will help increase your relationship with your children, this is a good time for investment and wealth creation. You may spark a new romance.

Cancer: This transit will increase your comfort, peace, and happiness at home. Your mother’s health will likely improve.

Leo: This transit will increase your creativity to initiate changes, it favors artistic expression and higher learning.

Virgo: This transit will favor your wealth creation, this is an excellent time to change your eating habits, take care of your oral health, and improve your speech.

Libra: you are the winner! Venus’s transit to your 1st house will help increase your charming charisma, increase your resilience and strength, and initiate a new relationship.

Scorpio: This transit will help improve your sleep quality, this is a great time to take care of your health and intimate relationships.

Sagittarius: This transit will help you gain recognition and increase your financial gains. The relationship with your children will likely improve as well.

Capricorn: This transit will help improve your relationships at the workplace, and increase your comfort and happiness at home.

Aquarius: This transit will increase your fortune and comfort with your decision-making, and it will help you become more spiritual.

Pisces: This transit will increase your resilience for transformation, it is time to take care of your family and eating habits, which will benefit your health significantly. This is a great time to learn esoteric knowledge.

This is a very general analysis, if you are looking for a more specific Vedic astrology chart analysis, please check a variety of readings that I offer here.

I offer Vedic astrology predictions based on transits regularly on Instagram, please follow my Instagram to get more updates. 

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