How many “can’ts” do you have on your list?
“Can’t” sprinkles our language, often with unintended consequences as to how we approach life.
“Can’t” is a place of stuckness seemingly laid upon us by some outside force. “I can’t make peace with my sister”. It’s like it’s beyond my ability or my power, or my intention. It almost seems like it’s not our fault. We have somehow arranged it so we are victims to “can’t”. Well, it’s true, isn’t it, after all, “I just can’t”.
I bet there are plenty more can’t-aholics out there.
Have you heard “as a man thinketh, so he is”? This one is in the Bible.
All we have to do is to just be willing to change our language, from “can’t” to “won’t”. Stop being powerless and start being powerful.
We often beat ourselves up, when was the last time you congratulated yourself for starting something new? Think about it, not the mundane tasks that do get done, but starting a new routine, a new thought or new action. Even thinking about thinking about it is a great start. It’s almost like noticing what we are noticing, and then is this what I want to notice?