Saturday, September 25, 2021

How to Use a Comb to Boost Your Health Magically

Do you know that health maintenance can be a simple way instead of a complicated procedure such as sweaty workouts in the gym or filling your cabinet with supplements? Believe it or not, a simple comb can take good care of your health and boost your immunity if it is used the right way with consistency, let’s dive into these comb health methods one by one.

Comb Your Neck

Bowing your head, you will notice a sunk spot beneath the highest budging bone in your vertebrae, it is one of the most important acupuncture points in the Du Meridian according to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), it is called “Dazhui” acupoint. Du Meridian is the governor of the Yang energy flow in your body, it is also called the Governing Vessel. Dazhui acupoint is on the midline, below the spinous process of the 7th cervical vertebra (C7). You can use the back of the comb gently massage this spot in a pressing and releasing motion for about 5-10 minutes, and move up and down along your neck like massaging your neck, after a few minutes, you will notice the heat is increasing in this area because the Yang energy in your body is activated. This method of combing your neck helps prevent a cold, relieves lower back pain, and boosts your energy level.

Comb Your Shoulders

Today, many of us are working in front of a computer for a long period, after work, many people spend lots of time in front of the TV to watch their favorite channels, all of these can lead to stiff neck and shoulders. The comb comes in handy to relieve your neck and shoulder pain. You can apply some massage oil around your neck and shoulders first, then use the back of the comb to gently scratch these areas for a few minutes, it may turn red after the treatment, but it will soften the stiffing muscles around your neck and shoulders and relieve neck and shoulder pain. The scraping method is a very ancient therapy in TCM, which is very effective to treat many chronic conditions including pain. 

To read more, please click here.

Friday, September 17, 2021

How to Boost Your Health with Your Feet?

Have you ever thought about the connection between your feet and your health? From reflexology, your feet function as a map to reflect your internal organs just like your hands. From Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), there are many important meridians running through your feet, such as the kidney meridian, stomach meridian, spleen meridian, and liver meridian, etc. Therefore, taking good care of your feet can supercharge your health and eliminate certain health issues. In this video, I am going to share a few tips that are easy to follow to boost your health and enhance your longevity.

To watch the video, please click here.

Saturday, September 11, 2021

Why is Quercetin so Important in Your Diet Especially NOW?

Have you heard about quercetin? Why is it so important especially now? Quercetin is a plant pigment with potent antioxidant properties, it is found mainly in the skins and leaves of plants. Light stimulates the production of quercetin. It is a natural compound that keeps you active and energized. Quercetin is one of the most abundant flavonoid antioxidants in our diet, it plays an important role in fighting against free radical damage, slowing down the aging process, and reducing inflammations. 

Recent studies have shown that quercetin has a significant capability to interfere with SARS-CoV-2 replication, quercetin has both anti-inflammatory and thrombin-inhibitory properties. It is a potential drug candidate inhibiting multiple SARS-CoV-2 enzymes. Quercetin is reported to be effective in the treatment and prophylaxis of SARS-like coronavirus infections without any adverse effects. Researchers found that the anti-viral and anti-oxidant prosperities of quercetin enable it to bind to the spike protein of the virus and interfere with its ability to infect host cells.

 Here are some amazing health benefits from quercetin:

1.     Provides anti-inflammatory properties that reduce chronic inflammation and enhance immunity. 

2.     A natural antihistamine that eases seasonal and food allergies, plus asthma and skin reactions.

3.     Lowers the risk of cardiovascular diseases including stabilizing your blood pressure.

4.     Reduces chronic pain such as arthritis.

5.     Prevents and fights against cancers.

6.     Protects the liver from liver damages.

7.     Prevents cognitive conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease and dementia.

Food sources: capers, onions, asparagus, apples, grapes, elderberries, pomegranate, cranberries, and goji berries, etc. You can also take quercetin supplements to increase its potency. For more information on holistic health and nutrition, please visit 

Monday, September 6, 2021

Amazing Health Benefits of Ear Massage

Did you notice that our ear is like an inverted fetus? And the earlobe matches the head of a fetus; therefore, this part of the ear is closely linked to our face and head based on reflexology.

According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), the energy of kidneys opens to the ears, and the kidneys are the power center of our longevity. Have you ever noticed those people who have a very long lifespan usually have long and big ears? This is not a coincidence. 

From reflexology, the top part of the ear helix and scapha reflect the knees and upper legs; the middle part reflects the shoulders and upper arms; and the lower part reflects the head including the mouth, teeth, and eyes. On the other hand, the fossa and concha of the ear reflect inner organs.

The amazing thing about the ear is that unusual changes in your ears can raise an alarm about a specific part of your body. For example, if the bottom of your earlobe is red and swelling, it is an indication that you may suffer from a sore throat. If there is a lump in the edge of your earlobe, you may have gallbladder issues such as gallstones or Cholecystitis.

Once you realized the surprising connection between your health and your ears, now it is time to take action, which is to massage your ears. And there are many health benefits of massaging your ears. Here are a few examples:

  • Enhances digestion.
  • Promotes weight loss by controlling your appetite.
  • Improves sleep quality.
  • Reduces annoying ear ringing.
By stimulating different parts of your ears, you can intentionally improve the functions of your internal organs. Please check our post below for more health benefits. If you like to learn more self-healing tips from TCM and holistic nutrition, please visit