Saturday, August 28, 2021

Amazing Health Benefits of Barefoot Walking

Did you know that barefoot walking has lots of benefits to our health and well-being? Many people are not aware of this in the modern world when wearing shoes is a fashion.

Barefoot walking helps improve immune function, enhance digestion, improve blood circulation, reduce inflammation, relieve stress, anxiety, and depression. It also helps reduce the harmful side effects of EMF. Our feet are transmitters that absorb and discharge electrons through our skin. When we walk barefoot, we harmonize our electromagnetic energy so that it vibrates at the same frequency as the earth known as Schumann Resonance. This will help remove the toxic electromagnetic field in our environment from a variety of electronic devices and cell phone towers. According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), there are multiple pressure points and nerve endings on the soles of our feet, which can be stimulated by walking barefoot. The moment we take off our shoes, not only can we massage these pressure points, but also we instantly feel a sense of freedom and liberation.

Walking barefoot also helps develop and maintain an appropriate range of motion in the foot and ankle joints that helps improve the strength and stability of our body. Strong feet and leg muscles also help support the back to reduce or eliminate back pain. The shape and density of the bones and muscles are directly linked to the loads placed on your body; therefore walking barefoot strengthens the muscles in the feet, which, in turn, improves stability, balance, and posture of the body.

When walking barefoot, we pay close attention to the steps we are taking and the surroundings around us, which helps increase our sensitivity and intuition, live in the present moment with mindfulness. This will help us enjoy every moment and be fully present here and now.

Our body is electrical and it is made up of approximately 70 percent water, and when we are surrounded by natural elements. Such as oceans, trees, grass, etc., all the cells in our body are becoming more conductive and energized. Our immune system requires a good amount of negatively charged ions that are found in nature, and the earth’s surface provides an abundant supply of these vital electrons. Walking with your feet directly touching the earth allows your body to absorb negative electrons through the earth, which adjusts and balances the biological clock in your body. The biological clock of the body needs to be continually calibrated by the pulse of the earth that governs the circadian rhythms of all life on the planet.

According to reflexology, the pressure points on our feet are connected to the nerves in our eyes. Walking barefoot stimulates these pressure points and improves our eyesight. It also helps to re-establish regular sleeping patterns and resets the biological clock within us. You may not aware that environmental pollution, including artificial lights, chemicals, and other toxins, greatly affects our sleeping patterns, barefoot walking helps you in contact with negatively charged electrons from the earth that can help harmonize your body’s circadian rhythm and improve your sleep cycles.

The thickening of the blood is a contributor to heart disease. When the blood gets too thick, it causes clumping in the cells. Barefoot walking can help reduce blood viscosity, prevent the risk of developing heart disease. It also increases the surface charge of red blood cells, which helps reduce clumping in the red cells and decrease blood thickness. Since high viscosity of blood has been directly linked to heart disease, barefoot walking can reduce the risk of heart disease significantly. Spending time connecting with the earth is also vital to our emotional well-being because it helps reduce anxiety and stress through the grounding process.

Here are some amazing benefits of barefoot walking:

  1. Reduces anxiety and stress and improves sleep quality.
  2. Reduced inflammation in your joints.
  3. Helps prevent varicose veins.
  4. Reduce knee and hip pain.
  5. Improves foot flexibility.
  6. Reduces the risks of heart disease.
  7. Boosts your immune system and energy levels.
  8. Improves eyesight.

Last but not the least, it is not a good idea to walk barefoot when the weather is cold and wet because the cold damp energy can enter your body and get trapped in your meridians to create energetic blockages, which can be manifested as joint pain and arthritis later. For more information on self-healing tips from holistic health, please visit:

Saturday, August 21, 2021

August Aquarius Full Moon and Lions Gate - Playing the Field

The energy in August is at an all-time high. On August 8th, Lions Gate shines the light in the sky. On August 22nd, we are expecting another Aquarius Full Moon, which calls upon us for serving the greater good of humanity. Leo energy is in charge in August. Leo energy is very creative and expressive, it demonstrates leadership and confidence. We do need more cheerleaders during this challenging and chaotic time.

Leo is linked to our heart, our body also follows the cosmic energy in the universe. There are 12 meridians in the human body and the energy runs through these meridian channels. Coincidently, there are 12 ley lines on the earth, the energy is running through these ley lines just like what happens in our body. This is why all these ancient wonders such as the Great Pyramid of Giza and Stonehenge, etc., were all built on these ley lines because the ancients knew how to harness the energy on the earth. In TCM, the energy is peaking in the heart meridian in summer. This is the time to take care of your heart health and your emotional well-being. With Leo energy focused in our heart chakra, it asks you to build a solid healthy boundary and stay away from people and situations that drain your energy and emotions.

Numerology Significance 
The Lions Gate arrived on August 8th, number 88 is the symbol of infinity, prosperity, and abundance, which brings very positive and prosperous energy to our planet, I certainly feel a significant energy shift this month. Aquarius Full Moon will arrive on August 22nd, number 22 is a master number, it indicates the rebuilding of the new earth at a large scale. Aquarius is calling upon each of us to make a conscious effort to build the new earth that is filled with prosperity and harmony.

To read more, please click here

Sunday, August 15, 2021

How To Turn Rice Into Activated Charcoal For DETOX And Weight Loss?

The information on DETOX has gained more and more popularity these days.  Think about these facts: the foods we eat are loaded with toxins such as pesticides, fungicides, mold, and genetically modified food, not only the toxic chemicals but also toxic heavy metals. Our drinking water is also polluted with fluoride, chloride, petroleum-based drugs, and toxic heavy metals such as aluminum and copper, etc. Let alone the air we breathe is also filled with chemicals from chemical detergents/solvents, perfumes, deodorants, clothing softeners,  and chemtrails falling from the sky. 

Did you know that detoxification is more important than nutrition? Let's talk about how to detox to get rid of these toxins in our bodies. There are many ways to detox, such as juicing, activated charcoal, water fasting, etc. Activated charcoal has long been used as a remedy against poisoning and drug overdose, making it a potent detoxifier. It can bind to toxins and eliminate them from the body. But activated charcoal can cause some unwanted side effects. It binds to the supplements and drugs you are taking as well, if you ingest it into the wrong tube - your airway, it can cause damage to your lung too, overdose of activated charcoal can cause GI complications, such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and stomach upset. 

Now, I am going to introduce a simple way to turn rice into activated charcoal, which is based on the ancient wisdom of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Here is how to do it, pick one type of rice you like, but not glutenous rice. Do not wash the rice, place 4-6 cups of rice in a pot and use low heat to roast the rice, it takes about one hour until the rice turns to light golden color, stir the rice every 5-10 minutes so the rice won't be overcooked and turn black. 

During this low heat roasting process, the starch in the rice is broken down and the rice turns into activated charcoal. It is a great natural remedy to detoxify the liver, remove the toxins and waste in the body, and lose weight. The activated charcoal in the roasted rice is mild and won't cause you any GI symptoms and side effects, and it is a great remedy for weight loss. 

For more information, please check my recent video

Saturday, August 14, 2021

How to Shield From Spike Protein Shedding

Have you heard about spike protein? Spike proteins, also known as peplomers, are generally composed of glycoproteins that have knoblike structures, they project from the lipid bilayer of the surface of an enveloped virus-like spikes. Spike protein is a dangerous transmembrane fusion protein that is a part of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. It has an arm-like apparatus that the virus uses to attach and enter healthy cells of the human body. SARS 1 and SARS 2 viruses both have spike proteins that bind to a human cell receptor, which is commonly presented in the lung cells but also present in other parts of the body.

Recent studies discovered that the spike protein antigens present in the blood of people who received the mRNA vaccines. What is spike protein transmission? Several doctors and nurses have noted that certain people who came into contact with covid-vaccinated people developed unpleasant symptoms, such as headaches, bruises and disrupted menstrual cycles, etc. This is because spike proteins are on the surfaces of viruses that serve as the ‘key’ to enter cells and they can penetrate the body very well.

Here are some natural herbal remedies that you can use to protect yourself from spike protein shedding from others. All of them contain the key ingredient – shikimic acid.

Shikimic acid and its derivatives possess cancer-fighting, antiviral, antimicrobial, anticoagulant, and antithrombotic properties. Shikimic acid offers an antiplatelet-aggregating activity that prevents blood clots and it is known to guard against spike protein contagion.

Four foods are rich in shikimic acid.

  1. Pine needle tea
  2. Fennel seeds
  3. Star anise
  4. The seeds and bark of the sweetgum tree.

Pine needles are easy to find and they are a great antidote against spike protein, they also provide many health benefits as follows:

  • ·       Contains a high level of Vit. A that is good for your eyesight, hair, and skin.
  • ·       Rich in Vit. C and antioxidants that boost your immune system.
  • ·       Suramin in the pine needles demonstrates the inhibitory effects against coagulation. 
  • ·       Contains shikimic acid that has antiplatelet-aggregating activity.
  • ·       Possesses analgesic, antibacterial, antifungal, and antimicrobial properties.
  • ·       Relieves congestion, coughs, and sore throats.
  • ·       Provides anti-inflammatory properties that fight against cancers.

You can take 1-2 tbsp. of fresh pine needles to make a fragrant pine needle tea and enjoy it all day long.

Precautions: Not all pine trees are suitable, such as yew trees are toxic. It is not recommended for pregnant women.

You can add fennel seeds to your teas, soups, or dishes, it is a common herb in your kitchen. Prevention is the key, what do you think? For more information on holistic health healing tips, please visit

Saturday, August 7, 2021

What Is A Master Detoxifier?

Have you heard about Zeolite? Zeolite is a member of a family of hydrated aluminum silicate minerals that contain alkali and alkaline-earth metals. Zeolites are microporous three-dimensional crystallines. They have small openings of fixed size in them which allow small molecules to pass through them easily but larger molecules cannot pass through them; that is why they are sometimes called molecular sieves. Zeolites are naturally occurring compounds that come from volcanic earth deposits produced from the interaction between ash and volcanic rock with underground water. They are one of the rare minerals that possess a natural negative charge, which has the ability of ion exchange and reversible dehydration. Zeolite has been used for centuries as a natural remedy for heavy metal detox due to its filtering properties. There are about 40 types of zeolite found in nature known as Clinoptilolite, Mordenite, or Analcime. Clinoptilolite is the most widely used zeolite and it is a potent detoxing agent and has amazing health benefits. It is hundreds of times more effective than activated charcoal for detoxification.

Zeolite has a strong negative charge that attracts positively charged molecules. You may not aware that most toxins that don't belong in our bodies are positively charged. This is why zeolite can be used to effectively detoxify many toxins that affect our immune system and drain our health. Zeolite binds with, traps, and removes toxins from the body through the urinary tract. It is extremely porous, thus it is able to pull toxins deep into its structure, where the toxins are trapped, it traps and releases heavy metals and radioactive substances from the body. It also takes away the protection of cancerous cells and stops their growth. Zeolite is also a powerful agent against viruses, bacteria, and other pathogens and environmental toxins, which helps boost immunity.

Why is detoxification absolutely important to our health?

Toxins are practically everywhere these days. They can be found in food such as pesticides, herbicides, and chemical additives and preservatives; the air we breathe is also filled with pollutants from cars, industrial productions, and chemtrails. What about our tap water, without exception, it also contains many toxins such as fluoride, chloride, pharmaceutical drugs, and toxic heavy metals including copper and aluminum. These toxins can build up in the body over time, which can trigger bigger health challenges. Even in small amounts, these toxins can impair our memory, negatively affect our gut health, reduce our energy levels, and contribute to weight gain. In fact, many mental health issues are related to toxic heavy metals in the brain that damage neurons and neurotransmitter functions.  

Zeolite is a master detoxifier. Here are some amazing health benefits of zeolite:

  • Works as an effective clotting aide to stop severe bleeding and promotes wound healing.
  • Binds to various dangerous toxins and poisons to remove them out of the body and prevent them from being absorbed.
  • Tightens the intestinal wall and prevents leaking gut. It also has anti-inflammatory effects on the gut.
  • Promote the growth of beneficial gut bacteria and inhibits the growth of pathogenic bacteria and viruses in the gut.
  • Helps relieve diarrhea and improves overall gut health.
  • Relieves acid reflux and stomach ulcers.
  • Lowers bad cholesterol and improves blood lipid profiles.
  • Contains antioxidants that boost super-antioxidant – glutathione and protect the liver from liver damage.
  • Balances the body’s pH by providing alkalizing minerals and supporting kidney function.
  • Prevents body odor and reduces bad breath and skin inflammation.
  • May be beneficial for hyperglycemia by absorbing high levels of glucose in the bloodstream.
  • Increases immune cell activities and production and boosts immune function.
  • Stimulates osteogenic cell differentiation and inhibits bone resorption and increases bone density.
  • The antioxidative effect of zeolites can protect the skin from damage caused by UV lights.
  • Raises overall antioxidant levels in the body.

Cautions: Only certain types of natural zeolite are suitable for human consumption. Zeolite may interfere with different drugs in the body.