Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Scared Geometry and Quantum manifestation Presentation

In this presentation, you are going to learn:

1.     How to develop a structure for conscious manifestation
2.     What are the hidden blocks in the conscious manifestation process
3.     The key elements to boost your manifestation engine
4.     How to harness your multi-sensory system and develop a new thinking structure – Believing is Seeing!
5.     Unlock the ancient wisdom of secret geometry in quantum manifestation and creation
6.     The source of creation and quantum connectivity
7.     And much more...
Presenter: Lucy Liu: RD, CHt, Life Coach and Advanced Theta Healing Practitioner, Energy medicine and TCM practitioner

Date: Sept.19th, 2019
Time: 7:00pm - 9:00pm
Ticket: By donation

Friday, September 6, 2019

Top 9 Medicine Food List

As we all know that what we choose to eat has profound effects on our overall health. Researches have shown that certain foods may trigger chronic inflammation in the body, while other foods can offer strong medicinal and protective benefits. Think of it this way: food is nature’s medicine without any side effect.

According to our ancestors, foods that are raw, fresh, locally sourced, and organic contain high amounts of vital life force that is essential to all living beings. When you eat foods with high vital energy, you will feel more energized due to their amazing natural healing power.Today, many of us are conditioned to seek drugs when we are trying to resolve a health challenge. The truth is that no drugs can replace the magic of nature and the best medicine comes from nature. Let’s dive into this top food list that has tremendous healing power.

For example, Jujube dates are natural laxatives; they are also a great food choice for those who suffer from anemia due to its rich iron content. According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, People with Qi and blood deficiency are prone to constipation, and one of the reasons is that the intestinal motility is weak. Jujube date fits right into the picture, it is rich in fiber and tonify the blood, therefore, regular intake of jujube dates can help prevent constipation.

Cabbage is one of the best vegetables recommended by the World Health Organization and it is known as a “stomach vegetable”. Fresh cabbage juice mixed with honey can promote the healing of stomach ulcers and duodenal ulcers.

If you want to find out more medicine foods, please check our recent blog.