Saturday, March 27, 2021

March Libra Super Moon – Changes and Romance Are in the Air!

March 28th is a super full moon called Warm Full Moon at 8 degrees and 18 minutes of Libra, the Sun in Aries forms an opposition to the Libra full Moon. 

Numerology Significance

With triple 8 presented in this full moon: March 28th, at 8 degrees and 18 minutes, this full moon can reflect the power struggle both at a large scale and personal level because Number 8 in numerology represents power and prosperity. Let’s take a look at how the polarity of energy is playing out.

The Significance of Spring Equinox

March 20th spring Equinox marks as the official entrance of the age of Aquarius, we are going to stay in the air signs for about 200 years, so it is the beginning of a new big cycle. During the spring equinox, the sun crosses the celestial equator from north to south and enters Aries and the day and night are equal in length. The dark and the light are also symbolic of the divine feminine and masculine energies within and all around us. If you take a look at Schumann resonance during this spring equinox, guess what happened? There was a series of events of anti-lockdown global protests, the human consciousness is rising at the global scale and people are waking up. This is synchronicity! The sun is in Aries, which is about leadership, initiation, and assertive warrior energy. Schumann resonance had a series of spikes and a blackout during this time that synchronized with these global events, this has a direct influence on the Earth's magnetic grids and our energy fields and physical bodies. 

 Detailed Analysis of Libra Full Moon

On March 26th, Mars conjuncts the north node in Gemini, Gemini emphasizes facts and communication. With Mercury conjuncts Pisces and Neptune, this energy of conjunction will bring in inspiration and imagination, people show more compassion and love through their communications with one and another.

Read more, please click here.

Saturday, March 20, 2021

11 Tips to Get Your Voice Back on Track FAST!

Have you suffered from a strained voice? No doubt, this is very common among singers and speakers who use their voice to a great extent. Many people suffer from chronic laryngitis, which can also strain their voice, but we often target the throat, I think many factors contribute to this.

I think a few other factors that may be overlooked for chronic laryngitis or strained voice from my personal experience, clinical practice, and TCM point of view, a few meridians are actively involved, especially the spleen, stomach, small intestine, and lung meridians. From a western medicine point of view, the digestive issues have to be addressed first, along with the Yin energy deficiency in the lung meridian. Some health practitioners may overdress the inflammation in the throat and offer herbs and remedies that may hurt the stomach and spleen meridians and cause the condition to relapse and become chronic. Here are some self-healing tips that you can apply to get your throat and voice back on track fast.

  1. REST Your Voice
Rest your voice; this is the first and also the most important tip to heal a strained voice, lots of patience, and hydration throughout the day to prevent a dry throat. Reduce unnecessary speech and rest your voice as much as you can. It may take a couple of weeks before you feel better when you talk. Sip on honey and gargle your mouth frequently with sea salt water, these remedies can help soothe your vocal cords and relieve the discomfort in your throat.
  1. Control acid reflux

Chronic acid reflux can damage the esophagus and vocal cords especially when you lie in bed at night when the bad acid is not under control. Any people who suffer from acid reflux usually take anti-acid drugs to cover the symptoms, but that will not solve the issue. The cause of acid reflux has to be addressed and resolved. Acid reflux is usually caused by the bad acids from the gut traveling up through the gastric tract and reaching the upper GI tract that contributes to heartburn and acid reflux. A high fat and high protein diet is one of the main cause of Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) because the dense proteins put more stress on your digestive system and liver due to the high protein and high-fat content, which requires more sufficient amount of stomach acids and bile to breakdown the proteins and fat. When these dense proteins are not properly digested, they end up in your gut and feed off unproductive bacteria in your gut and lead to lots of gut issues, such as bloating, compromised bowel functions, candida overgrowth, increased waistline, etc...In addition, the protein you eat produces most nitrogenous waste that can lead to ammonia permeability in your gut and damage the lining of your digestive tract, which can cause the inflammation of the intestine lining and contributes to a series of digestive related issues, such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), diverticulitis, Crohn's disease, and colitis. Animal proteins also have a high-fat content, which requires more bile and digestive enzymes to breakdown; this adds more stress on your liver and pancreas. When the fat is not being digested properly, it becomes rancid in your gut and feeds unproductive bacteria and pathogens, which also contributes to SIBO and other gut issues. These unproductive bacteria produce bad acids that travel up through your digestive tracts and contribute to gastric reflux (GERD). Then you wonder where the amino acids come from if you give up your high protein and high-fat diet. Many people are not aware that the most bioavailable amino acids are from leafy greens. Your liver and body cells can reassemble them easily for your body’s function. All you need is a functional liver to start with and add more leafy greens to your diet.

Read more, please click here

Saturday, March 13, 2021

How to Fix Mental health Issues with This Simple Tip!

Many people are not aware that toxic heavy metals play an important role in mental health issues and brain aging diseases, such as Alzheimer’s and dementia. Think about this fact: What is going to happen when the metals meet the electricity? A shock! The neurotransmitters are made of electrolytes that form chemical agents to relay messages from one nerve cell to the next. Our brain is electrical, the electrical signals travel along axons triggering the electrical brain waves to oscillate together at specific frequencies to deliver different messages by these neurotransmitters. When these neurotransmitters meet the deposits of heavy metals such as mercury and aluminum on the neurons, they are oxidized and burnt off quickly. When this happens, it is like short circuits in the brain that triggers a variety of mental health issues such as anxiety and panic attack, depression, OCD, also speeds up the aging of brain cells that are associated with dementia and Alzheimer’s. This is why heavy metal detox is critical for your mental health.

This is the reason that we should pay attention to the toxic heavy metals in our food and the daily exposure, they are in pesticides, fungicides, petroleum-based chemicals, and cosmetics, food preservatives and additives, detergents, and solvents, etc.,  they are everywhere these days. In order to safeguard our health especially mental health and brain aging diseases, heavy metal detox is a MUST!

But not all herbs have the capacity to remove toxic heavy metals in the brain due to the blood-brain barrier. Only a few herbs can cross the blood-brain barrier and enter the brain to remove toxic heavy metals, such as lemon balm, thyme, and cilantro. Today I am going to talk about cilantro, which is a common herb that you can get almost in any grocery store. Make sure that you choose organic ones. You can enjoy this potent herb in your smoothie, and salads, or any of your favorite dishes. Here is a homemade pesto recipe that you can enjoy this potent herb even more, it is delicious and yummy! The ingredients are as below:

·       Fresh and packed cilantro: 2 cups

·       Fresh lemon juice: 2 tbsp.

·       Garlic: 1 clove

·       Honey dates (pitted): 2

·       Fresh ginger: 2 slices

·       Olive oil: 1 tbsp.

·       Sea salt: a tiny pinch

·       Walnuts: 2 tbsp.

Put all the ingredients in a blender and blend until the texture is smooth.

Cilantro is antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal, it can pass across the blood-brain barrier to remove heavy metals and radioactive toxins in your brain and protects your brain from aging, dementia, and other mental health issues such as depression and anxiety. It also helps detoxify your liver and kidneys and protect you from liver and kidney damages.

Both garlic and ginger are antiviral and antibacterial that strengthens your immune function, ginger also helps strengthen your digestion.

Dates are wonderful soothing food for your nerve system that can improve your sleep quality. According to TCM, dates help nourish both your spleen and stomach meridians. If you suffer from insomnia, a few dates in the evening can make a difference.

The shape of walnuts resonates with your brain, therefore, it is brain food, it enhances your memory and improves your brain function.

Lemon helps alkalize your body and boosts your immune function, it also helps strengthen your gastric juice and enhance your digestion. Lemon water daily helps detoxify your liver and even helps dissolve gall stones.

The benefits of these wonder food can go on and on...This homemade pesto sauce is delicious and healthy on your salads, crackers, or any dish you want to spread on, I hope you enjoy it!

Keep in mind that heavy metals oxidize faster in the oils that make them even more toxic. If you want to modify the recipe, you don’t have to add more oil to it, you can reduce the amount of lemon juice if you find the taste is too sour for you, you are the creator, so use your creativity to spice it up.

To learn more about the powerful healing aspects of cilantro, please check the post below. If you want to learn more self-healing tips, please visit:

Thursday, March 4, 2021

The Secret Health Hackers That You Are Not Aware of!

Today, you can hardly find a packaged food with what-so-called “certified organic” on the shelf that does not contain this ingredient - “natural flavors” or “natural flavoring”, including organic milk beverages, organic soups, and your favorite organic protein bars, such as organic almond milk, rice milk, coconut milk, etc., you name it. Do you know there are lots of chemicals and GMO foods in these what-so-called “natural flavors” including MSG? In reality, we are smelling and eating chemicals: methyl cyclopentenolone, diacetyl, methyl methoxy pyrazine, and benzaldehyde are all common ingredients found in natural flavors. Even though these fruit-like flavors are created in a lab, they are still considered “natural” on a label, flavorists are working diligently to identify the current flavor trends and create the next big trendy flavor. To me, “natural flavors” are a brew of toxic chemicals. Do you know that MSG is a neuron toxin that damages the neurotransmitters and neurons in your brain and contributes to dementia and other mental health issues? Next time when you shop around, I invite you to read the ingredients carefully. You will be shocked how many toxic chemicals are stuffed in a little package.

So many people are worried about the chemicals in the food these days, which is a good thing, but only a few people are concerned about the chemicals they put on their bodies, one example is the deodorants that many people are using. Have you paid attention to the ingredients on the label? It is not a surprise that it is loaded with toxic petrochemicals. When you walk outside with people around, and even you are walking on your favorite beach to get some fresh air, all you can smell is perfumes and chemicals, people are polluting the fresh air with perfumes and deodorants on their bodies. But we go to nature with the intention to get some fresh air instead of polluted toxic air. What about this? People who work in the grocery stores carefully shower their shopping carts with toxic chemicals with the good intention to kill the germs and viruses, and you put your organic food items in those shopping cars, which is similar to spraying pesticides and toxic chemicals back on your food. What about toxic chemicals in the hand sanitizers that people are abusing these days before they touch the fresh produce in the stores? They unconsciously contaminate all the food they touched. Let alone the toxic chemicals in the detergents that housekeepers are pouring on the floor to kill what??? The toxic chemicals in the detergents are evaporating in the air and we inhale them, which travel to the canals of our brain through the nasal passage and damage the neurons and brain cells. The nose is the direct line from the environment to the brain, which means pollutants, viruses, and bacteria can travel through the nasal passage to set the wheels of brain disease in motion. There is a neural connection between the nasal mucosa and the brain, which tells us that what we inhale has direct access to our brain and the rest of our nervous system. Therefore, we should pay attention to what toxins we allow ourselves to be exposed to, especially what we breathe in. Let’s move to the deodorants, they travel into women’s breast tissues and increase the risk of breast cancers because the lymph nodes in our armpits are linked to our breast glands, and you may not aware that your breast glands are a network of lymph ducts. These toxic chemicals are contributing to cysts and tumors in the breast tissues and hormone imbalance. The same as air fresheners, and fabric softeners…, they are silently shortening our lifespan without our awareness. 

According to TCM, what is going on in the lungs also affects our gut health. Did anyone notice why so many people are suffering from leaking gut syndrome and food sensitivities these days? What about the skin issues? The skin is linked to the lungs according to TCM, have you ever wondered what are the root causes of eczema and psoriasis? The fact is that they are all connected to what we inhale and what we put on our skin because our skin is the largest organ and it sends these toxic chemicals directly to our bloodstream.

What we breathe in is the vital life force to sustain our health, and the quality of the air we breathe in is just as important as the food we eat. Until we are all aware of these silent killers and stop abusing these toxic chemicals, we can all have fresh air to breathe and improve our health and quality of life in the long run. Everyone can contribute to this global shift for a better environment and a better world, the only secret is awareness. What do you think?

If you want to learn more information on holistic health and the services we offer, please visit our website: