Saturday, February 24, 2024

Why Should You Concern about Infertility Now?

Infertility rates have been rising drastically in recent years. According to statistics, one in 6 people globally is affected by infertility. Lifestyle and environmental factors such as a poor diet, smoking, toxins in our foods, water, skincare, laundry detergents, and pollution can have severe impacts on fertility. Vaccines are playing a big role in infertility even though we haven't obtained enough data at this point due to this spiritual war we are in, but the time will tell. Let’s dive into the ancient wisdom to solve the modern disease.

Tribulus terrestris is derived from the Greek “tribulos”, which means “water chestnut.” It is also known in Chinese as “Bai jili” and in Hindi as “Gokharu”. Other names include bullhead, goat’s head, cat’s head, devil’s thorn, devil’s eyelashes, etc. Tribulus is native to southern Asia, Southern Europe, Australia, and Africa. It thrives in warm climates and tropical areas. The whole plant is used for medicine, including fruit, seeds, and roots, which are most commonly used.
The plant contains many nutrients such as alkaloids, amino acids, calcium, cinnamic acid, dioscin, fatty acids, flavonoids, glucose, iron, phosphorus, phytosterols, potassium, steroidal saponins, sterols, tannins, and vitamin C. This medicinal herb has diuretic, adaptogenic, liver tonic, and antibacterial properties. Both the root and fruit of the plant have been used medicinally in Traditional Chinese Medicine and Indian Ayurvedic medicine for many years.
Tribulus health benefits include the following:

  1. Boosts libido for both men and women.
  2. Supports bladder health and relieves UTIs.
  3. Increases endurance especially combined with other herbs such as Ginseng and Rhodiola Rosea.
  4. Regulates testosterone production and promotes healthy erections.
  5. Boosts the circulatory system.
  6. Enhances physical strength and promotes muscle functions.
  7. Helps regulate blood sugar and cholesterol levels.
  8. Reduces water retention, pain, and inflammation.
  9. Fights against cancers.
What about other remedies for fertility, please check my recent video.

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Saturday, February 17, 2024

Why is Spring the Best Time to Rescue Your Liver?

According to TCM, the energy in our body follows the cosmic cycles and spring is the best time to enhance the energy flow in your liver meridian. Your liver is a Chief General and has its own intelligence. It has accumulated wisdom for many generations and organizes many functions in the body, one of the most important tasks of the liver as we all know is detoxification. When the energy is depleted in your liver meridian, you may experience chronic fatigue, insomnia, irritability, digestive issues, and dry eyes. Based on the Five Element Theory in TCM, each organ in our body is associated with our emotions. For example, anger and frustration are associated with the liver. Let’s dive into how emotions affect our health.

If you have a hot temper and easily engage in arguments with others, your self-healing ability is likely to be twice as slow as others. For example, if you already feel under the weather, but you are spending 30 minutes arguing with others, this will have a negative impact on your self-healing abilities and take extra time to recover. 
If you have just had an upset argument with someone recently, it is best to distract yourself as much as you can. As long as the memory of the argument is repeated in the mind, your stress level will rise again. In other words, hostility triggered by the upset memories will only cause more damage to your health.

Short-term stress can increase your body’s immune response, but if the stress becomes chronic, the situation is completely different. Long-term stress can affect your memory and impact your decision-making ability. It also reduces your immune function and decreases your productivity. In addition, stress can also increase allergic reactions. According to the studies, when you are under chronic stress, your allergy symptoms can be worse.
Women tend to bottle up their feelings after a conflict with their loved ones. This likely doubles their risks of heart disease and stroke. But if you let yourself yell out due to the anger, you are not doing yourself a favor either. According to the studies, even a few minutes of an explosion of anger will cause blood pressure and heart rate to rise rapidly, which will increase the possibility of heart attack by 19%. Even if you find a middle way to express your anger, such as impatience or grief, the stress and depression associated with anger are equally unhealthy, and it will suppress your immune system as well.
Depression and sadness are linked to the lungs and large intestine. The tears contain a lot of stress-related hormones and neurotransmitters. It is thought that tears are a great way for the body to remove harmful chemicals under pressure. If you suppress your negative emotions, this will eventually affect your immune function, memory, and digestion. Serotonin and dopamine are two important neurotransmitters that contribute to your happiness and inner calmness. When you are in a good mood, their levels are higher in your body. Another important function of these neurotransmitters is to help reduce pain, which should explain why 45% of people with depression are also suffering from various physical pains.
Fear is associated with the kidneys. Fear mixed with stress and anger will trigger the body's 'emergency mechanism', which can attack the heart function, increase the blood pressure and pulse, threaten the immune system, and make the person feel very anxious.

How to boost your liver health with the ancient remedies from TCM, Please check my recent video.

Saturday, February 10, 2024

Ancient Remedies for Cancer Treatments

Many ancient remedies have been used for centuries to treat a variety of health challenges including cancers. They may be forgotten because of the dominance of mainstream medicine, but they are safe and effective and can be used as complementary cancer treatment options. Let’s dive into a few popular ones.

Mistletoe is a type of parasitic plant that grows on various types of trees, such as apple, oak, and pine. The plant is also called European mistletoe and differs from American mistletoe, which is commonly used as a decoration. The plant has thick, bristly leaves that are lance-shaped or oval. It has dense branches in oval shapes that are two inches long. Mistletoe attaches to a host tree or bush, penetrating the branches and absorbing nutrients and water to survive. This parasitic behavior is the most common feature of many species and types of mistletoe. Some species are toxic, especially the mistletoe found in America.

Mistletoe has been harvested for its leaves, stems, and berries for centuries due to its medicinal benefits. Mistletoe extract is most commonly prescribed as a complementary treatment for cancer in Europe. Mistletoe is known for its potential anti-cancer properties. It may prevent diabetes, soothe respiratory disorders, calm the nervous system, lower blood pressure, promote good sleep, eliminate inflammation, reduce snoring, and relieve menstrual pain. Researchers have found that chemical components in mistletoe may promote the release of the neurotransmitters dopamine, glutamic acid, and GABA. These neurotransmitters help improve insomnia and epilepsy. Mistletoe is one of the most widely researched alternative therapies for cancers. Research suggests that mistletoe helps boost the immune system to fight against cancers. It possesses anticancer qualities that inhibit cancer cell proliferation and even kill existing cancer cells. Antioxidants in mistletoe help improve blood circulation and protect the heart and blood vessels from damage. Mistletoe has been used in traditional medicine to help balance blood sugar levels by stimulating the secretion of insulin. The chemical components found in mistletoe help to get a restful sleep by showing a soothing effect on the nervous system, therefore, it helps regulate the sleep cycles.

To learn more, please check my recent video

Saturday, February 3, 2024

Why Should You Incorporate Sheep Sorrel Into Your Diet?

Sheep Sorrel, also called Red Sorrel or Rumex Acetosella, is a powerful herb used for centuries for treating all kinds of health challenges including cancers. The herb is known as sheep sorrel because it often thrives in places where the sheep roam. Sheep Sorrel grows as a tall weed that is widely available in Europe, North America, Asia, and other places in the world. These plants produce green leaves that have the shape of an arrowhead, while the stems are deeply ridged and have a reddish tinge. The flowers of sheep sorrel appear on a tall and straight stem. The color of the female flowers of this plant is maroon.  Every part of the plant from roots, stems, leaves, and berries can be used. Sheep sorrel served as food for hundreds of years as the plant is edible from its roots to its leaves. It is also used for seasoning meat and bread, and it is still used in food today often as a thickener in soups.

Sheep Sorrel is high in Vitamin C, as well as Vitamin A, B Vitamins, Vitamin K, phosphorus, calcium, and magnesium. It also contains saponin compounds such as quercetin, anthraquinones, and tannins, which are powerful antioxidants that help prevent cancers.  Sheep Sorrel contains rutin, which is a potent antioxidant and anticancer agent, and also beta-carotene that creates more “T” cells to kill cancer cells. It also can help dissolve tumors and break them down. Sheep sorrel is an important detoxifying herb and the freshly obtained juice of its leaves has a distinct diuretic effect. It is commonly used in folk medicine, especially for treating diarrhea, cancer, fever, scurvy, and inflammation. The leaves and stem of this plant are used as a diuretic tea. Sheep sorrel is also commonly used for reducing inflammation such as sinusitis. The tannins present in this plant help decrease the production of mucus by the body. There is sufficient clinical evidence regarding the use of this plant for treating sinusitis. Sheep sorrel also acts as a vasodilator to maintain the fluid balance in the body. It decreases the stress in the cardiovascular system and helps regulate blood pressure. In addition, this herb also has antibacterial and antiviral properties to fight against infections. People can apply sheep sorrel topically to rinse the skin if they are suffering from skin issues like eczema, herpes, and itchy rashes. Sheep sorrel is hepato-protective, it protects the liver and boosts liver functions. The protocatechuic acid and anthocyanins in sheep sorrel protect the liver from damage.
Here are some amazing health benefits of sheep sorrel:

  • Prevents cancers and boosts immunity.
  • Detoxifies the liver and supports liver functions.
  • Supports digestive health and relieves indigestion and constipation.
  • Relieves UTIs due to its diuretic and antibacterial properties.
  • Reduces skin irritations, rashes, and minor wounds.
  • Promotes healthy bones.
  • Improves cardiovascular system and manages cholesterol levels.

You can consume the fresh leaves of the plant as a green vegetable. However, avoid taking the leaves in excess as they can be toxic due to the presence of oxalic acid. Sheep sorrel leaves are nutritious for flavoring mixed salads. You should not overconsume this plant since it contains a high level of oxalic acid, which can be potentially toxic in high doses. It is safe to take sorrel in small amounts but should not exceed 500 grams. Too much oxalic acid can cause kidney stones. People suffering from health conditions like kidney stones or arthritis should be particularly cautious if they want to incorporate sheep sorrel weed into their diet. Large doses of sheep sorrel can cause diarrhea and cramps. If you are taking sorrel supplements, always take the lower dose as directed by a clinician.

Spring is coming, it is the best time for cleansing your liver because the energy is peaking in the liver meridian in spring. Lymphatic drainage is a great way to help support the liver detox and remove toxins from the body. Detox is more important than nutrition. Please check my TCM treatments for lymphatic drainage.