Have you heard the phrase “Menopause bloat”? Bloating is one of the most frequently experienced problems when women enter perimenopause and menopause. It is so prevalent and referred to as menopausal bloat. One of the main causes is hormonal changes, such as a drop in estrogen levels, which leads to a shift in the gut microbiome. Menopause, low estrogen levels, and decreased diversity in gut bacteria are connected. Decreased gut bacteria diversity can negatively impact your digestive health, causing bloating, gas, or constipation. Estrogen is an important hormone for proper cholesterol and glucose metabolism. The drop in estrogen levels after menopause can lead to increased insulin resistance, which is very prevalent these days, pesticide glyphosate also plays a role, which affects glucose metabolism and causes gut permeability. Aging plays a role too, as we grow older, there is a decrease in stomach elasticity, less acid production, and decreased intestinal motility. These natural changes can lead to an imbalance in the gut microbiome and cause digestive issues including gas and bloating.
Many people think eating a healthy diet will ensure proper digestion. Unfortunately, many healthy foods, such as beans, broccoli, and high fructose content food, can cause gas and bloating. Dairy and gluten are also common contributors to a leaky gut, which causes intestinal permeability. The first step is to identify those food triggers and eliminate them as much as possible from your diet. We can become more sensitive to foods as we age, so don’t assume something you ate in great quantity at a younger age will be well tolerated now.The second step is to strengthen your stomach acid and bile production with digestive bitters, lemons, and apple cider vinegar, please check my previous videos on this. The third step is to improve your intestinal motility to reduce gas and bloating, this is often overlooked. There is a migrating motor complex in your small intestine that regulates your small intestine motility, this migrating motor complex can be affected by many factors, such as SIBO (small intestine bacterial overgrowth), the dysfunction of the elicical valve, low stomach acid, which affects the production of bile and digestive enzymes. All these can contribute to digestive issues. Stress is another contributor. So many of us are eating a meal in a hurry and forget to chew the food well, which is the most important step when it comes to digestive health. Eating is an art if you believe so, you should chew your food well and engage all your senses to fully enjoy each bite of your meals.
In my new video video, I introduce a few natural remedies to enhance your digestion and reduce bloating and gas.
By the way, I will be at the Wellness Fair on July 27th at Beban Park Nanaimo, there will be more than 10 speakers who cover a variety of topics all day long at the event, and you will meet lots of gifted healers, artists, and mediums. I will be offering a talk on "How to Improve Your Sleep Quality without Remedies" and also palm reading, face reading, tongue reading, Vedic Astrology chart analysis, tarot card reading, and holistic health consultation. I am looking forward to seeing you there. Please check my poster below for more details.