Thursday, April 28, 2016

Are You Sacrificing Your Health For the Beauty?

Have you ever thought what the main cause of hormone imbalance for women? I suffered from hormone imbalance in my early 20s due to the fact that I was working as a chemical engineer in a big petroleum company at that time. I often had light headaches, irritation of my mood, and my menstrual cycles were all messed up. Luckily I made a quick switch that has changed my life forever. Later I realized that my health issue was trigged by the work environment. Hard to believe it, isn’t it?

In fact, many of our health related issues are related to the environmental pollution. Here are a few examples:

Lead released from vehicular emissions, paints and burning of plastics can impair neurological development, suppress the hematological system and cause kidney failure.

Cadmium from electronics, plastics, batteries and contaminated water can lead to irritation of the lungs and gastrointestinal tract, kidney damage, abnormalities of the skeletal system and cancer of the lungs and prostate.

What about your cosmetics and your favorite nail polish? Do you know that you may sacrifice your health for the beauty?

PS check our recent blog to find out more. 

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