Here is an interesting study, when we were born; everyone is equipped with a genius mind. However, after we grow up, only 2% of us are able to use their genius mind and rest lost their gifts. How could this happen? One explanation is too many influences from our environment that have reshaped our belief system. As a result, our mind is wrapped with so many layers of protection that we have developed a habitual thinking, which is to follow what should be right instead of what we desire. Especially after years of studying at school, many active genius brains are buried to fit into a career or a job. Einstein once said, “Imagination is more important than the knowledge.” Because imagination is unlimited and embraces the whole world, why is imagination so important? It is the source of creativity.
Everyone desires to live an abundant life. The truth is creativity is the universal source of abundance. Imagination and creativity are the most important assets to create abundance in your life. However, most of us feel that we are losing these precious intellectual facilities today due to the formal education that we receive. Abundance is also a mindset; people who attract abundance come from an abundance mindset first. Mike Todd once said, “Being broke is a temporary situation. Being poor is a state of mind.”
So how to unlock your potential and reactivate your abundance genius inside you? PS check our unique meditation recording that combines sacred geometry, NLP (Neuro-linguistic Programming) and kundalini awakening, connects you with the Mastermind from the Infinite Intelligence and reawakens your abundance genius from within. Helps you raise your deservedness and lift your abundance threshold and brings you to a new level of abundance that you have never thought possible.
PS check our “Reactivate Your Abundance Genius” Meditation recording now.
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