Monday, September 18, 2017

Which Meal Can Shorten Your Life span?

Have you ever thought why some people have been eating healthy but still gaining weight and lead to type II diabetes? Why is that? The key to maintain a healthy weight and stay away from diabetes and heart disease is not only about eating healthy, when and how you consume your meals also play the role.

Most families put more efforts to make a decent supper than other meals because it is the only time that the whole family can sit together to enjoy the meal. Have you ever thought that a heavy dinner on a regular basis is likely going to shorten your life span?

Your meal schedules could be just as crucial as what you eat. Therefore, you could be fueling the danger of heart attack, diabetes, and other diseases by eating the wrong foods after 8 pm in the evening. A heavy dinner late at night is putting lots of people at a risk of strokes, heart attacks, researchers advise. A late-night meal keeps your body at a high alert when it must be winding down. Heart professionals advised that adults should not eat within 2 hours before the bedtime – ideally nothing after 8 pm. In a healthy individual, the blood pressure drops by at least 10% when they go to sleep.

Based on the statistics, here are some shocking facts about what a heavy dinner that is high in animal protein and fat can do to your health.

1.      It contributes to 90% of overweight and obesity.

2.    The relationship between the types of food consumed and the time of evening meals displays a late heavy meal at night has the largest single effect on the overnight blood pressure. Recent research suggested eating late at night had a far greater impact than missing the first meal of the day.

3.   Eating a heavy dinner on a regular basis does not just add calories, but it may also trigger a heart attack, particularly in individuals who already have heart diseases. A recent study reveals a connection between eating dinner late at night and a lethal form of high blood pressure that can trigger heart attacks.

Here are more shocking facts that are linked to a heavy dinner that you may not aware. 

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