Friday, July 27, 2018

Why Is Summer the BEST Time to Boost your Heart Function?

According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, summer is the best time to take care of your heart health. This is because the energy is at its peak in your heart system during the summer according to the energy flow in the meridian systems. The first step to improve your heart function is to purify your blood; this will reduce the stress of your heart to circulate the blood in your body.

Why is it so important to purify your blood? Our blood is responsible for delivering nutrients and oxygen to every cell in the body. It also carries away metabolic wastes from the cells in the kidneys and lungs for excretion. When it gets toxic, it needs immediate cleanse to function properly. Cleansing the blood is probably one of the most important weapons for achieving optimal health especially for improving your heart function.
There are many different ways to cleanse your blood, but one of the most important approaches is to use the food as medicine. Here are some best food choices to purify your blood.

For more information, please check our blog

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