Do you know that your hands hold magical healing power? The human hands contain a high density of several specialized nerve endings, which generate the crosstalk between your hands and your brain. Based on the hologram theory, which is a fundamental principle in the universe, any portion of a hologram contains enough data to reflect and reproduce the entire hologram. Therefore, a single fragment of the body contains the information of the whole body. These are basic principles of the universe that everything is connected; so as the human body and human life, which are a part of the whole cosmos.
The hologram theory in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is applied by viewing the extremities of the body as individual microsystems, such as the hands, feet, and ears. These microsystems can be seen as holograms of the human body containing all of its information. Based on this principle, we can treat an issue anywhere in the body by stimulating the corresponding points of certain parts of the body because all the systems in the body are naturally interconnected. This is how acupuncture, acupressure, and reflexology works. Your hands can be viewed as a mini-imprint of your whole body. According to TCM, there are many meridian channels starting from your hands, such as the lung meridian, heart meridian, large intestine and small intestine meridians, etc. You can strengthen the energy flow and remove certain energetic blockages in the meridians with some specific hand exercises.
According to TCM, the hands are the reflection of the internal organs of the human body. These hand exercises do not cost money and have no side effects, all you need is to practice and enjoy the amazing health benefits along with it. Let’s dive more into these hand exercises.
Here is another secret. Why did ancient TCM practitioners emphasize the specific numbers for the repetition? As you may not know that your liver cells will have a complete turn over in 9 years, and every 3 years, about one-third of your liver cells regenerate, so the number of 3, 6, 9 are associated with your internal organs, especially with your liver. In TCM, your liver the chief general for other organs, it is where your soul essence stores, which means your liver shines your spirit. If you want to improve your health, take care of your liver first.
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