Monday, January 25, 2021

How to Protect Your Life Force?

According to energy medicine, Prana is our life force that sustains our soul journey physically and energetically. Based on TCM, the energy in the Du meridian flows in your spine, “Du” means governor, and your life force flows along your spine, this is why all the energetic discs called chakras are located along the spine.

The Du meridian is also called the “Sea of Yang energy”, it stores, nourishes, and moves the yang energy within the body. In terms of healing, the acupuncture points on the Du meridian are optimal to treat back and spine issues and strengthen our back. It also tonifies the kidney meridian - the center of our life force and boosts our reproductive system.

Therefore, protecting your spine is critical to your physical health. Our body also follows the cosmic cycle, winter is the time to protect and store the Yang energy in the body, which means to keep your body including your feet warm by dressing warm outside and prevent energetic blockages in the body. Du meridian is also called the Du Vessel that governs all of the Yang Meridians in the body, so to protect your spine from injuries helps safeguard the precious Yang energy in your body. Here are some common postures we all experience on a daily basis, are you doing it the correct way to prevent back injuries and protect your spine?

For more health tips and natural remedies from TCM and alternative medicine,  please visit

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