Saturday, May 22, 2021

Unlock the Healing Power of Mantras

God is the master of cosmic sound. Music is the divine vibration that raises one’s inner being to peace and bliss. The teaching of ancient Rishis (sages) of India suggested that the pronunciation of vowels corresponds to the vibration of five inner planets: Venus (O), Jupiter (A), Saturn (E), Mars (I), Mercury (U). The power of sound, music, vowels are creative forces of the universe.

Mantra has been used to harness this divine power for thousands of years. A mantra is a sacred sound, a syllable, word or phonemes, or group of words in Sanskrit with many layers of meanings. It is a language of human spiritual physiology. The practice of chanting mantras can activate the nervous system and cells in the body to reach a harmonious state by the vibration of divine sound.

Mantra chanting is a subtle process of influencing your consciousness. When you start to practice the chanting mantra, start with some simple pranayama breathing to calm your mind and spirit, we live in our breath and the breath is our life force. Too often we are stressed out in our lives with all kinds of challenges in life and we forget how to breathe.  Every mantra has its own properties, vibrations, and uses, it is important to select the right mantra and do it correctly with devotion. A simple mantra such as om chanting has the power to transform your life. The more you repeat the same mantra with devotion, the more it becomes potent. The mantra goes deeper in your consciousness when your mind is calm and free from random thoughts.

The Healing Benefits of chanting mantras are tremendous. These sacred vibrations have an overall therapeutic effect on the body. Not only do they help calm down the body and mind, but also help lower high blood pressure, regulate blood sugar, balance the heart rate, raise vibration, relieve depression and anxiety and release negative energy and emotions in our body and environment.

Here are a few examples of the tremendous healing power of chanting mantras.

·       Chanting mantras calms the body and mind and activates the body’s natural healing process.

·       Chanting of mantras helps in getting rid of addictions such as smoking, alcohol, and street drugs.

·       The sound vibration of chanting reduces stress levels, lowers high blood pressure, and relieves anxiety and depression.

·       Chanting helps strengthen our immune system.

·       The chanting of mantras produces specific chemicals in the brain and calms the nervous system.

And much more in my post below, for more information on energy healing and holistic health tips, please visit:

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