According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, the Du Vessel Governs all of the Yang meridians in the body, which is critical for our health and longevity, and the energy of the Du Vessel runs through our spine. You can see how important your spine is in terms of your physical health. "Du" in Chinese means the "govern". The Du channel represents our ability to rule our lives, our transformation, survival, and grounding energy. The Governing vessel is also responsible for nourishing the five ancestral organs, which include the brain and spinal cord.
The spine is the second lifeline of the human body and occupies a vital position in the human body, if the spine encounters problems, it will have a great impact on our health. A large number of clinical studies have confirmed that more than 80% of chronic diseases are related to spinal dislocation and compression of the spinal nerves. But not many people have looked for the real causes of their chronic conditions - spinal dislocation. Our central nervous system includes the brain and spinal cord, and the peripheral nervous system consists of 12 pairs of cranial nerves and 31 pairs of spinal nerves. If the spine is misaligned, it not only compresses the roots of spinal nerves, which causes neck, shoulder, and back pain, and leg pain, but also causes visceral nerve conduction disorder and spinal-related diseases.There are many small habits that we are doing on a regular basis to damage our spine, are you aware of them? To read more, please click here.
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