Cholesterol has been blamed for the risk of heart disease for a long time. Cholesterol is essential for the body to make hormones; it also helps the body to move toxins out of the body. No correlation exists that the lower the cholesterol, the better the heart health. If you take medications to lower your cholesterol such as statins, they not only increase the toxicity in the liver but also deplete Co-Q10 in your body, which is a compound made by your body and stored in the mitochondria of your cells. CoQ10 is a powerful antioxidant that improves heart function, increases ATP production, and limits oxidative damage. It protects the brain, heart, and muscles. There are more mitochondria needs in heart muscle cells than in any other area of our bodies. In addition to creating muscle weakness and pain throughout the body and promoting dementia symptoms with these drugs, heart attack risk is increased by starving the heart of CoQ10. The source of coronary heart disease is not even cholesterol. It’s arterial inner wall inflammation caused by processed foods and excess sugars. It has nothing to do with saturated fats based on recent research. In other words, the cholesterol-lowering drugs you are taking do more harm than good to your heart in the long run. A healthy diet and an active lifestyle are far more important than drugs for your heart health.
What are the causes of chronic inflammation in the body? Toxins, parasites, and these two go hand in hand because toxins feed off parasites. Stress is another cause of chronic inflammation in the body that many have overlooked.Based on my observation after working in healthcare for many years and doing readings since I was 9 years old. I have noticed that people who suffer from ongoing emotional stress are more prone to heart issues. This is because chronic stress triggers inflammatory responses in the body.
According to recent research, emotional stress can contribute to the development of chronic heart disease, or trigger acute cardiac problems in people who already have heart disease.
Did you know that the simplest and most effective way to manage your stress is your breathing? In a relaxed parasympathetic state, the body sends 50% of blood to the liver and kidneys. In a stressed and fight-to-fight sympathetic state, the body only sends 2% of blood to the liver and kidneys, there is also an 80% decrease in the blood flow to the gut. When your breathing is shallow, this is where anxiety and panic attacks come from. It also affects your gut health and weakens your immunity.
The tongue is the strongest muscle in the body. If it is not properly positioned, it puts strains on the cervical muscles that affect the neck and shoulders. The tongue should be in a relaxed position and touch the roof of your mouth, and the tip of the tongue should touch the back of the front teeth, this tongue position has been addressed by the ancient wisdom of TCM for thousands of years, now, we just understand why. Did you know that the number one cause of oral cavity is the habit of mouth breathing? It affects the oral microbiome and PH level. Breathing through the nose also prevents dry mouth. Nose breathing also improves the oral microbiome which helps increase nitric oxide, which is a vital molecule produced in your body that impacts many aspects of health. It helps blood vessels dilate to promote proper blood flow and provides various health benefits, including improved exercise performance, managing diabetes, lowering blood pressure, and better brain function. It can boost heart health by making blood platelets less sticky. It is the number one anti-aging compound that also has antiviral and antibacterial properties, it also enhances your heart function and boosts your libido.
Did you know that you can use your hands to reduce high blood pressure effectively? Two blood pressure spots on your ears can effectively lower your blood pressure if you massage them regularly. Please check the post below for locations. I hope you enjoy the information, for more information on holistic health and self-healing tips, please visit
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