The full moon on Dec.29th will fall into the zodiac sign of cancer, the moon rules the water sign cancer, so this is the time to connect to your intuition, emotions, and feelings. The sun is in Capricorn opposite cancer. People with cancer sign care about homes and families and very emotional and sensitive. This is the perfect time for family reunions during this holiday season. Rebellious and freedom-seeking Uranus is sextile the moon and trine the sun. This can channel out sudden unexpected changes. Uranus is the ruler of Aquarius, which will trigger us to seek true freedom and unite each other through social connections such as social media.
With the wounded healer Chiron T- square the sun and moon, this is the time to release emotional wounds that we have been ignoring, also the anger and frustration about the fake news in mainstream social media, deep secrets, and lies. It is important to listen to your intuitions or gut feelings and nurture your emotions with self-care and relaxation.
The planet Venus squares Neptune, which can cause distraction and disappointment in relationships, but with Mercury in practical and rational Capricorn, a heartfelt conversation can help clear the confusion.
Looking at 2021, Jupiter and Saturn already moved into Aquarius in Dec., which will bring more emphasis on Aquarius energy, such as communication, harmony, humanity and new technology. What in front of us is the ending of the old and the beginning of the new because the transformative Pluto is still in Capricorn until 2023. Capricorn rules politics and structures. Pluto is working on big and transformative changes in our political and governmental structures globally in the next few years. Here is a bit of history about our past and remember who we were! Around 12,000 years ago, the earth's magnetic pole flipped, that was when our consciousness fell from the Atlantis to this 3rd dimension by following this big cosmic cycle known as Indian Yuga cycles. This was also the time when the Great Flood occurred mentioned in the Bible. This year in Sept., the earth magnetic pole just had a big shift again, this time we are experiencing this big consciousness shift and our consciousness rises. With the big event of the great conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn on Dec.21st, the earth is showered by the new cosmic rays such as the gamma rays and plasma rays that are high vibrational frequencies from the universe and our sun. This helps lift our vibration and consciousness to enter the 5D new earth. Yes, there will be deconstruction and reconstruction of the old governmental and financial structures in the next few years. As long as you hold your vibration high and think positive, there will be endless new opportunities presented to you, just remember we are creative beings, the universe is limitless, it is our beliefs that limit us. Let’s take a risk and leave the fear behind, follow our heart desires and create our new reality. You have to create it to believe it! We are at the dawn of the Golden Age and the best is yet to come!
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