The energy in August is at an all-time high. On August 8th, Lions Gate shines the light in the sky. On August 22nd, we are expecting another Aquarius Full Moon, which calls upon us for serving the greater good of humanity. Leo energy is in charge in August. Leo energy is very creative and expressive, it demonstrates leadership and confidence. We do need more cheerleaders during this challenging and chaotic time.
Leo is linked to our heart, our body also follows the cosmic energy in the universe. There are 12 meridians in the human body and the energy runs through these meridian channels. Coincidently, there are 12 ley lines on the earth, the energy is running through these ley lines just like what happens in our body. This is why all these ancient wonders such as the Great Pyramid of Giza and Stonehenge, etc., were all built on these ley lines because the ancients knew how to harness the energy on the earth. In TCM, the energy is peaking in the heart meridian in summer. This is the time to take care of your heart health and your emotional well-being. With Leo energy focused in our heart chakra, it asks you to build a solid healthy boundary and stay away from people and situations that drain your energy and emotions.Numerology Significance
The Lions Gate arrived on August 8th, number 88 is the symbol of infinity, prosperity, and abundance, which brings very positive and prosperous energy to our planet, I certainly feel a significant energy shift this month. Aquarius Full Moon will arrive on August 22nd, number 22 is a master number, it indicates the rebuilding of the new earth at a large scale. Aquarius is calling upon each of us to make a conscious effort to build the new earth that is filled with prosperity and harmony.
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