Saturday, April 23, 2022

How Can Your Beliefs Affect Your Weight?

Being overweight is an underlining cause of diabetes, cancers, heart disease, and other chronic conditions. What else comes along with excessive weight? Back pain and joint pain, your body just cannot handle too much pressure from excessive weight. Besides health challenges, our body image also affects our self-esteem. I am creating a weight loss mini-course series to target different areas for weight loss challenges and develop a holistic approach from diet and nutrition, alternative medicine, Traditional Chinese Medicine, and energy medicine to achieve long-lasting weight loss success.

When it comes to weight loss, the first thing people jumped into is the diet because this is the area being attacked the most. The most popular weight loss diet out there these days is the ketogenic diet, which is a high-fat, moderate protein, and low carbohydrate diet. The mechanism for this diet is to cut down the intake of carbohydrates and force the body to enter a metabolic state called ketosis, which uses the alternative fuel – the fat instead of glucose as the energy source, but some organs use glucose as the primary fuel, such as your brain, so your brain is deprived of the optimal fuel, also most pesticides and herbicides are fat-soluble, they deposit in meat and dairy products, by eating large amounts of these foods, your liver is overloaded with toxins, so as your kidneys and lymphatic system. Did you know that protein produces the most waste when it is broken down in the body?  As a result, you are putting stress on your liver, lymphatic system, and kidneys to break down and eliminate toxins including environmental estrogens from pesticides and herbicides, and other toxins such as drugs and growth hormones in the meat and dairy products. Recently, a lady asked me why she is suffering from severe menopause symptoms such as hot flushes and night sweats after she is on the ketogenic diet, my answer is that this diet brings more toxins and waste to the body and contributes to hormone imbalance such as estrogen dominance syndrome, it also affects your gut health because these toxins and waste feed off unproductive bacteria in your gut and cause off-balance of the gut microbiome. What happens in your gut also affects your brain functions because the communication between the gut and brain is bilateral, and your gut is your second brain. A ketogenic diet is also loaded with acidic food, which leads to chronic inflammation and many health challenges down the road, as we know that alkalinity of the body is the key to achieving optimal health, which emphasizes a plant-based diet with legumes, fresh fruits, and vegetables.  

Every time you are on a diet, they all work the same: to create the calorie deficit to lose weight, but your body is very intelligent, more intelligent than you think, it has a self-protection mechanism to preserve your life force, after you are on a calorie deficit diet, your body enters a starvation mode and burns fewer calories to maintain functioning, just like a bear hibernating in winter, After you go back to your normal diet, your body is still in a starvation mode, which means your body is still hibernating, as a result, any extra calories you take will be quickly converted to the fat and stored in your body, this causes a vicious cycle called yo-yo-dieting, each time you try a diet, you end up gaining more weight and your metabolism is getting slower. Several studies indicate that dieting is a very good indicator of future weight gain.

If you struggle with losing weight despite your ongoing efforts to follow all kinds of trendy diets and exercise programs, you may start wondering whether you have emotional or mental blocks - limiting beliefs from your subconscious mind that prevent you from losing weight. The truth is losing weight is not just about diet or exercise.

In this video, I am going to talk about how your belief system can prevent you from losing weight. I hope you enjoy it. Stay tuned for my next episode on weight loss.

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