Saturday, October 1, 2022

Why the Oral and Sinus Health Matters

Gut health has been a hot topic these days, many people are aware of the leaky gut syndromes and SIBO (bacteria overgrowth in the small intestine). But your digestive tract starts from your mouth. Have you ever thought that the leaky gut may relate to the imbalance of the oral microbiome? Maybe your dental surgery is overkill for your oral health? Let’s talk about root canal treatment, it basically applies antibiotics to the dead cells in your gum, which means applying acute care to chronic infection, this may pose risks of potential infection later on. Has your dentist discussed with you the potential health consequences before the surgery? Or do you solely rely on your dentist to save your teeth? It is time to look into different options before jumping to a conclusion. According to TCM, your mouth is linked to many meridians, such as the spleen, stomach, kidney, heart, and liver meridians. Therefore, your oral health can significantly impact your cardiovascular system, your gut health, and much more.

How to take care of your oral health with some simple self-care tips? Oil pulling is a great way to prevent oral cavities and improve the self-defense mechanism of your oral microbiome. Oil pulling kills harmful bacteria in the mouth and prevents bad breath and cavities. It also improves gum health by reducing inflammation, reducing plaque and gingivitis, and stimulating saliva production, which is needed to help break down the nutrients in your foods. The key is to make it a daily practice and make sure you swish the coconut oil around in your mouth for at least 10 minutes and slowly increase the duration.

What about mouth breathing habits at night? When you sleep with your mouth open, you keep elevating the stress hormone cortisol in your body all night long, plus:

  • Impaired sleep. While it may seem like you can get more air through your mouth, this breathing method reduces oxygen absorption in your lungs. The result is a lack of deep.
  • Dry mouth. Breathing through your nose introduces air to the mucus lining within your nostrils. This mucus plays three roles: warming and moisturizing the air before it is absorbed by your lungs.
  • Bad breath. A symptom of dry mouth is bad breath. As the mouth dries out, your saliva glands try to compensate but are rapidly overwhelmed by the continual influx of dry air. Saliva helps wash down food particles, staving off bacterial growth which reduces unpleasant odors.

Taping your mouth at night can be an option in order to train your mouth to close at night if it is necessary.
Let’s talk about the nasal microbiome, which is not only linked to your lung health but also affects your brain health. If your nasal microbiome is compromised, harmful pathogens can travel to the canals of your brain through the nasal passage and damage the neurons and brain cells, which can cause brain fog, anxiety, and panic attacks. The energy is peaking in the lung meridian in the fall according to TCM, this is the time to take care of your lung health. One simple tip to prevent sinus infection is to apply a thin layer of coconut oil with a cotton swab in your nostrils, coconut oil not only helps increase the moisture in your nasal passage but also prevents sinus infections due to its antibacterial and antimicrobial activities. This technique is simple and effective to improve your sinus health.
Prevention is the key, all you need is to develop a healthy daily routine and take charge of your own health. For more information on self-care tips and natural remedies, please visit

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