Saturday, January 28, 2023

Unlock the Hidden Link Between Parasites and Weight Gain

What are parasites? They are a group of worms, viruses, and fungi that live in or on a host to get their food from or at the expense of the host. When it comes to parasites, many people think of folks in developing countries where hygiene practice is poor, but this is not the case, parasites have a much shorter lifespan than the host – the human body, they evolve quicker than us and become more adaptable and diversified over time. Different parasites feed off a variety of toxins from GMO food, toxic heavy metals, mold, and other toxins. Many people carry abundant parasites without awareness. In fact, parasites are the root causes of many illnesses. What is the connection between parasites and weight gain? 

Parasites slow down the production of good gut bacteria and stimulate bad gut bacteria growth. They also use our body as a toilet and secret a variety of toxins. These toxins and excess acid buildup from parasites can accumulate in your liver and kidneys and are dumped into fat cells for storage, which contribute to weight gain. Not only do they secret harmful toxins, but they ultimately die off in your body and flood it with waste and harmful toxins. This high acidity content breaks down muscle tissue and slows down your metabolism because your body has to work hard to remove excess acid from your bloodstream. According to the research at the Pennington Biomedical Research Center. Seven viruses have been reported to be the causes of obesity in animal models by various research groups.

When your gut is suffering from chronic inflammation from parasites, it sends signals to the body to produce more cortisol, a primary anti-inflammatory hormone, to initiate a fight-to-fight state. Cortisol is also a fat-storage hormone, which contributes to weight gain, especially around the waistline. Many gut issues are linked to parasite overload in the body, which can cause SIBO – small intestine bacteria overgrowth, bloating, food sensitivities, leaky gut syndromes, etc.

As we know that our body’s circadian rhythm responds to the moon’s cycles. Did you know that parasites are more active and productive during a full moon period coinciding with your circadian rhythm? How to take advantage of the full moon period to cleanse parasites more effectively? Please check my recent video.

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