The lymphatic system is a network of vessels and organs that regulates the amount of fluid in the human body and fights against infections. It is considered a part of both the circulatory and immune systems. Your body’s lymphatic system is in charge of filtering and removing toxins from your body, all the way down to the individual cells. It’s comprised of different vessels and organs such as lymph nodes and bone marrow, all of which work together as part of your immune system.
The lymphatic system has
several crucial functions for maintaining body homeostasis, including
maintaining the body's fluid balance, transportation of large molecules, and
immune health. The fluid balance is maintained by draining the extra fluid that
remains after the exchange of blood and nutrients between the tissues and
capillaries. A healthy lymphatic system helps the body get rid of toxins,
waste, and other unwanted materials. These toxins and waste can get stuck in
the lymphatic system, cause water retention, and contribute to weight gain. In
fact, many weight challenges are linked to lymphedema due to excess water along
with the toxins and waste buildup in the lymphatic system, this is why
lymphatic drainage is crucial for improving the efficiency of your body’s
detoxification process, strengthening your immune system, and preventing weight gain.
Lymphatic drainage is a healing modality that can help
your lymphatic system to remove accumulated waste more efficiently. When you
improve the efficiency of your lymphatic system, you can have more energy and better circulation, it will support the
detoxification process of the liver more efficiently.
Gua sha (or skin scraping) is
an ancient Chinese Medicine technique that involves using a tool and essential oils to
massage your neck, shoulder, and back with certain motions and pressure. Not
only does this promote lymphatic drainage, but it also helps reduce pain,
promote blood circulation, and rejuvenate the skin.
Here are some amazing health benefits
of skin scraping:
- Promote lymphatic drainage
- Improve blood circulation
- Detoxify the body more efficiently
- Reduce lymphedema and edema and promote weight loss
- Relieve headaches and migraines
- Reduce stress and inflammation
- Relieve pain and fibromyalgia symptoms
Other Ways to Improve Your
Lymphatic Flow
your body. Regular
movement promotes drainage and improves circulation.
Dehydration can contribute to
whole food. The
fewer processed foods in your system, the fewer toxins your lymphatic system
will have to filter out.
between hot and cold water in the shower. Showering in hot water opens up your blood vessels,
and cold water closes them. This keeps things moving within your body and
promotes better lymphatic drainage.
loose clothing. Tight
clothes can put pressure on your lymph nodes especially while you sleep.
Now is the
best time to detoxify your liver because the energy is peaking in the liver
meridian in spring. I am offering skin scraping and cupping treatment with
essential oils to help boost the lymphatic system, improve your energy levels
and detoxify the body. For the treatment options, please check here.
Ear candling
is an add-on service if you want to add it to your treatment plan. Ear candling can eliminate excess ear wax, helps
relieve tinnitus, headaches, sinus infections, vertigo, and improve hearing.
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