What is estrogen dominance syndrome? It is a condition that a woman can have deficient, normal, or excessive estrogen, but has little or no progesterone to balance its effects in the body. Even a woman with low estrogen levels can still have estrogen dominance syndrome if she doesn't have enough progesterone. Progesterone plays an important role to balance estrogen. Progesterone starts to rise after ovulation and flies beautifully along with estrogen around women’s menstrual cycles, and progesterone helps balance off the dominant effect of estrogen.
Today many women are facing increased stress due to the fast pace lifestyle in this modern society. Stress elevates cortisol levels. Cortisol is released from your adrenal gland in response to stress. Excessive Cortisol not only slows down your metabolism, breaks down your muscle, and increases fat storage, but also increases your food cravings for junk foods. Cortisol also competes with progesterone for the common receptors in the cells, as a result, progesterone is squeezed out. The key function of progesterone is to aid pregnancy, but progesterone also plays an important role in bone health, weight management, and calming effect on mood. Today, many women suffer from the side effect of estrogen dominance symptoms, including weight gain, fatigue, bloating, insomnia, anxiety, decreased sex drive, headaches, breast tenderness, breast cysts, breast cancer, depression, allergies, PMS, thyroid dysfunction, prolonged menstruation, and uterine cancer, etc. Xenohormones are another main cause of estrogen dominance. They are pollutants from outside of the body that have hormone-like and estrogen-like activities. Exposure to these substances can affect your natural hormonal balance.
Most pesticides are petroleum-based; they also belong to xenohormones. These pesticides are fat-soluble and easily deposit in fatty foods such as meat and dairy products. Here are a few highly contaminated foods that you probably enjoy every day.
- Meat and dairy products. In today’s intensive animal farming, animal feeds are often mixed with antibiotics, hormones, and drugs to keep animals healthy and the meat tastier. There is no sound regulation for organic meat. Think about this fact: animal feeds are not organic, how can be meat organic?
- Many fruits require a good amount of pesticides during multiple stages of growth to keep them healthy. Believe it or not, those little sweet strawberries are loaded with pesticides. For example, about 300 pounds of pesticides are applied to every acre of strawberries, compared to an average of 25 pounds per acre for other foods. Is this shocking?
- Potato contamination is usually related to cross-contamination from kitchen areas and other foods. Potatoes are often used with mayonnaise in salads, and this is where the problem begins. If left at room temperature for some time, the potatoes are likely contaminated with bacteria. Grains and beans have a similar issue. If the soil is sick, how can it be healthy and nutritious?
- Spinach is mostly contaminated compared to any other vegetables. To make things worse, the contaminants were also among the most potent pesticides.
- Coffee. Many of us enjoy a good cup of coffee early in the morning to boost our energy, but do you know that a little cup of coffee is also contaminated? Many of the best-flavored coffee beans are imported. It is worth mentioning that many countries grow coffee without strict regulations in terms of the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides. Coffee is one of the best-selling products, but plenty of pesticides are likely applied to these little beans.
So, what are the solutions? Liver detox is a must, and support local organic farming, organic food doesn’t mean it grows in rich soil, we can all contribute to a better environment for healthy living. One way to help remove toxic pesticides is to use baking soda and vinegar to generate a potent natural cleaner as the result of the chemical reaction of these two compounds, you could use it to help remove about 80% of pesticides on your fresh produce by soaking them in this solution for about 5-10 minutes. Mother Earth is a living matrix and each of us is a microbe of this living matrix. The parts reflect the whole.
I will be attending the Metaphysical and Wellness Fair in Nainomo on June 17th, this event is to support the rebuilding of Unity Church in Nanaimo, which was burned down recently. Please check my poster below for more details regarding my services there, I will provide readings and holistic health consultations there. I am looking forward to meeting you there.
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