In Western medicine, the nervous system is the network of specialized cells, tissues, and organs that coordinates the body's interaction with the environment, including sensing internal and external stimuli, monitoring the organs, coordinating the activity of muscles, initiating actions, and regulating behavior. From energy medicine, the chakra system of subtle energy and Chinese medicine map the flow of chi or subtle energy in the body. The nervous system serves as a system for distributing energy to body tissues and organs. The nerve cells carry and transmit electrical signals and distribute them throughout the body, so as our universe, our universe is also electrical. Did you see the similarity here? As above, so as below, the human body is a measuring stick of the universe. There is a graphic similarity between human brain cells and the universe. We are indeed living in a cosmic web and everything is connected, we are the fractal expression of the Source. A fractal is a natural phenomenon or a mathematical set that demonstrates a repeating pattern displayed at every scale. Fractals are objects with irregular curves or shapes that are recognizable building blocks of nature. Galaxies, clouds, trees, and neurons are all fractals.
From quantum physics, Sacred Geometry is the building block of the universe. According to the famous physicist Nassim Haramein, the 64 tetrahedron grid is the seed geometry of finite realities. A tetrahedron is a basic form with minimal energy consumption for optimal structural stability. The 64 Tetrahedron Grid is one of the most profound sacred geometric structures, its projection at the 2D level is the Flower of Life, and at the 3D level is Metatron’s cube. Physicist Nassim concluded that the holographic structure of the universe is the Flower of Life in geometry based on his calculation and analysis, which precisely described how the structure of the universe works at the quantum physics level. You may think what are the building blocks of our nervous system. Please check my recent video.
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