Saturday, January 29, 2022

Is Ear Ringing Associated with Ascension Symptoms?

Are you aware that high vibrational light energies are coming in waves showing our planet in the past few years? You may develop ascension symptoms during this great spiritual awakening, frequent ringing in the ear is one of them. Being able to notice these very subtle energetic frequencies indicates your evolved perception of energies. These frequencies are usually characterized by a higher pitch, causing feelings of joy and peace. Sometimes the ringing may become too loud. You can ask for your Higher Self and the spiritual forces you usually call upon to tone it down and give you protection. Some people suffer from tinnitus, here are some simple tips to relieve it.

Drumming the head is a popular ancient technique to strengthen the Qi (energy) in the kidney meridian. According to the TCM, the energy flow in the kidney meridian opens in the ears. When the energy in the kidney meridian is strong, the hearing function of the ears is optimal and the mind is sharp. This exercise can help improve annoying tinnitus. How to do it? Very simple: use both of your palms to cover your ears, and use your fingers to knock the back of your head horizontally. When your ears are fully covered, you can hear the sound like a drum as your fingers knock your head like playing the piano. This is where the name – “drum the head” came from. The pressure to knock your head should be comfortable. There are many acupoints around your head, the fingers happen to touch three important acupoints including “Feng Chi” and “Nao Hu” with this position. You are stimulating these acupoints when performing this exercise. This exercise can help prevent headaches, tinnitus, and even strokes. Just 30-50 times a day, you will see the benefits if you practice it daily.

If you combine with some natural remedies, you can speed up the healing process for your ear issues. For example, you can apply some essential oils around your ears on your earlobes, also on your neck close to your ears, which will enhance the results. Here are a few examples of the best essential oils that you can choose from for tinnitus.

  • Helichrysum: repair blood vessels and nerves, and reduces inflammation.
  • Juniper Berry: cleansing and antiseptic
  • Patchouli: help drain the fluids that are causing pressure in the ears and creating a ringing sensation.
  • Petitgrain: help reduce or stop the muscle contractions that are causing tinnitus. 
  • Cypress: stimulate blood circulation and promote a healthy nervous system.
  • Basil: antispasmodic that reduces intense pulsation from ear ringing.
  • Lavender: sedative properties that can calm the mind and body.

The good essential oils are very potent and should be diluted in a carrier oil such as grape seed, sesame seed, or coconut oil before applying it to the skin. You can apply two or three drops on the earlobe, behind the ear, and on the neck around the ear. You can inhale, massage, or diffuse essential oils to take advantage of their benefits. 

You could also check my video on how to take care of tinnitus and other aging-related issues. I hope you enjoy it. For more information on holistic health and TCM, please visit

1 comment:

  1. A very good article on tinnitus, Lucy Liu ma'am. I also write articles on aging and dementia on my website-

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