The energy in December is busy and swift because the full moon is in the air sign of Gemini and social media is a hot place to check-in. Then we have the winter solstice and another new moon in the earth sign of Capricorn.
Numerology SignificanceThe Cold Full Moon falls on Dec.7th and it is at 16 degrees (1+6=7) of Gemini. Number 7 repeats itself, and it is associated with cosmic energy and influences from higher dimensions. We may see more galactic encounters from our star families moving forward, who are helping raise our collective consciousness for ascension. The new moon in November is at 1 degree of Sagittarius, which indicates the new beginning. The last new moon of the year will fall into the Zodiac sign of Capricorn on Dec.23rd (2+3=5), number 5 is associated with freedom. Numbers are a universal language and all these numbers indicate a bright 2023!
The Significance of the Lunar Node Eclipses
We experienced a partial solar eclipse on October 25th and a total lunar eclipse on November 8th, which is very significant because they occurred at both lunar nodes and only occur every 18.6 years. The North Lunar Node (Rahu) and the South Lunar Node (Ketu) transition in the 2nd and 8th houses will initiate the desire for freedom and change, including financial freedom and spiritual transformation. Changes come inside first and project to the outer world. The Lunar Node Eclipses urge us to look more closely at our needs and desires concerning the balance between earthy, practical, peace-loving Taurus and emotional, transformative, and crisis-oriented Scorpio. The energy triggered by these eclipses gives us a cosmic push to make changes in our lives. In Vedic astrology, this transit occurred in the 1st and 7th houses, influencing our relationships with others and transforming our self-identity. If you meet a significant another, this means it is likely a karmic relationship from past lives, this makes a soulmate connection possible. On the other hand, those relationships that don’t fulfill your heart and soul desires will likely fall apart. Ketu aspects the planet Saturn, which rules our karmas. This urges you to do some inner work, find your inner gifts, and reconnect to your inner self, creating a new path that leads you to ultimate happiness. With the positive influence of Jupiter from Pisces, it brings the expansion of spirituality to a large scale, more spiritual leaders will merge into the surface during this period. Manifestation also comes easily with increased consciousness. Taking action for your desires but detaching from the outcome is the key to manifestation.
To continue reading December astrology predictions, please click here.
Christmas Astrology Reading Special Offer
If you would like to know the origin of your star families and the predictions for the second part of your life and your career, you can book an astrology reading with me, and I will make an analysis of your natal chart based on sidereal astrology and Starseed origins, also combine your D9 and D10 charts from Vedic astrology to dive deep into your soul blueprint, your relationships and career path in this lifetime. Please check a variety of readings that I offer, they can be great tools to guide you through your life journey, especially during this dawn of the New Age that is packed with big changes and transformations globally. I am offering a special discount for a detailed reading as $70 for a one-hour reading during this holiday season.
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