Saturday, April 15, 2023

May Full Moon Astrology Predictions – Break Away from the Old Paradigm

The Full moon in May occurs on May 5th in the Zodiac sign of Scorpio, which is also a lunar eclipse. It is called the Flower Moon because it reflects the changes taking place in nature. 

Numerology Significance

May 5th represents two 5s. Interestingly enough, this full moon happens to occur at 14 degrees of Scorpio, which adds up to triple 5. Number 5 represents freedom and self-empowerment, which is much needed with the rising of Christ’s consciousness and the Age of Aquarius. Freedom and sovereignty are going to lead us to build a breakaway society that is based on unity, love, compassion, equality, and harmony. 

The Goddess of love Venus transits the curious sign Gemini from April 11th to May 7th, where action-speaking Mars already landed there. With Venus and Mars conjunction in the flirtatious Gemini, love is in the air! If you are single, an exciting love encounter may suddenly be eclipsed into your life, who brings excitement and enthusiasm.

This Scorpio full moon is a great time to work on yourself and gain access to hidden resources. Intuitive clues will help you find the right direction. During this period, your hip joints and the lower spine may be vulnerable. It is a good idea not to overload your legs and back. A new relationship could rise out of nowhere because of the Uranus aspect. This lunar eclipse is a great time to reboot your energy, release emotional and mental blocks that make you feel stuck and create space for new opportunities to come into your life. During a lunar eclipse, the energy of the moon is intensified, making it a powerful time for introspection and self-reflection. Your emotions and intuition can be heightened with Scorpio energy. Lunar eclipses can also bring about significant changes and shifts in our relationships because the moon is associated with our emotional selves. This lunar eclipse can help us heal emotional traumas in our relationships and provide an opportunity to address them. If your rising sign or moon sign is in Scorpio, this lunar eclipse can affect you significantly, you may experience grief or let go of something you hold onto for too long. You are meant to break away from the old emotional baggage that keeps you stuck, it is time to free yourself and create the new life you desire, only through the process of death and rebirth, we can move forward and upward in life. 

How are the solar eclipse and lunar eclipse going to impact the world at a large scale and our financial system? Please read more here.

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