In my previous videos, I targeted different areas that can contribute to weight gain, from weak gut health, toxins overload, hormone imbalance, sleep deprivation, insufficient bile flow, parasites, belief system, emotional well-being, etc. In my recent video, I mentioned a few natural remedies for weight loss and detox. Here is one example.
Seaweeds are low in calories and fat, which makes them a healthy snack for weight loss. There is a natural fiber in seaweed called alginate, which inhibits the enzymes that digest fat, so less fat is absorbed by the body. This helps prevent weight gain. Seaweeds are a good source of fiber that helps reduce hunger and prolong fullness, therefore promoting weight loss. When your thyroid function is insufficient, it can contribute to weight gain. Seaweeds have a high concentration of iodine, which is a component of the thyroid hormones T3 and T4. The thyroid gland needs iodine to make these hormones. Iodine helps stimulate the thyroid gland and maintain a healthy metabolism. In addition, seaweeds contain the pigment that may help metabolize your body fat for energy. As I mentioned in my previous video that detox is critical for weight loss, and iodine is needed by the liver for the detoxification process. Seaweeds are rich in chlorophyll, a green pigment, which is a potent detoxifier that dumps waste and toxins out of the body. A study from McGill University in Canada indicated that seaweeds help remove radiation by-products, toxic heavy metals, and other environmental toxins from the body. They offer a broad range of detoxification.Seaweeds are rich in lignans, which are phytoestrogens that are similar to estrogen. They mimic the functions performed by estrogen and reduce toxic environmental estrogen effects by displacing them from cells. lignans also inhibit estrogen production in fat cells. In postmenopausal women, fat tissue is a primary site for releasing estrogen, and high levels of certain estrogen metabolites are associated with breast cancer. In addition, lignans also behave like Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators that may slow the growth of cancer cells and reduce inflammation, which may help prevent breast cancer, cervical cancer, and other cancers. As I mentioned in my previous video, hormone imbalance is another cause of weight gain due to too many toxic xenohormones in the body that lead to hormone imbalance.
To learn more, please check my recent video.
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