Saturday, September 16, 2023

Self-care Tips for Your Neck

Today, I introduce two spots for stiff neck, and neck and shoulder pain. Your neck is holding a head that is about 10-12 lbs all day long, no wonder it gets stiffness without regular self-care. Did you know the head and neck contain a rich and elaborate lymphatic network of more than 300 nodes and their intermediate channels? The lymphatic drainage of the head and neck is very unique and many lymph nodes are located in your head and neck region. This is why taking care of your neck is so important for brain support and lymphatic drainage. Let’s talk about the solutions.

Neck Tendons – An Important Switch for Your Brain and Neck

Massaging two big tendons in the front neck and behind the ear in the side of your neck on both sides with your hands can help relieve:

  1. A stiff neck
  2. Neck and shoulder pain
  3. Cough and cold
  4. Headaches and migraines
  5. Poor memories

Stiff Neck Spot

Chengshan (BL-57) acupoint location: Directly below the belly of the gastrocnemius muscle and between the two heads of the muscle at the junction of the head of the leg muscle. Massaging this spot on both legs can quickly relieve a stiff neck due to strained neck muscles. While you are stimulating this spot on your legs with your hands, you should also move your neck gently to improve and speed up the result.

For more information on self-care tips for your health, please visit

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