Saturday, September 30, 2023

Are Lectins Bad for You?

One of the most relevant connections between lectins, the leaky gut, and irritable bowel syndrome is the fact that lectins are not properly processed by the body and the human metabolism system cannot digest most lectins properly. Lectins are plants’ natural defense system against insects, pests, and destructive microorganisms. They are so strong that they can pass through the human digestive system intact; they can enter the bloodstream with everything unchanged. Symptoms of excessive lectin consumption are similar to those who have irritable bowel syndrome or a leaky gut. Lectins are found in all plants, but raw legumes (beans, lentils, peas, soybeans, peanuts) and whole grains like wheat contain the highest amounts of lectins. 

Lentils and beans contain resistant starches that your gut bacteria can break down and produce short-chain fatty acids such as butyric acids to provide fuel for your colon cells. You see, we co-dependant on these good bacteria in our gut. How to reduce lectins in the food so you can still enjoy their amazing health benefits?

Soaking: If you are a legume lover, make sure that you soak beans and legumes overnight, and change the water often. Drain and rinse again before cooking. You can also add some baking soda to the soaking water to help neutralize the lectins further.
Fermentation: You can enjoy some fermented products from legumes and beans, such as tofu, tempeh, tamari, natto, and miso. Fermentation allows beneficial bacteria to digest and convert those harmful substances, and render them to harmless ones. However, keep in mind that not all lectins are completely destroyed by these methods; some still remain in these foods.

Cooking your beans and lentils in a high-pressure pot can also help break down lectins in them. You can also add some herbs such as bay leaves in the lentils during the cooking to help reduce lectin content.

By the way, I will be at the Alchemy of Gathering Event next Sat. This event is full of activities such as live music, interesting arts and a variety of healing modalities. Everyone is welcome. Please check my poster below for more details and I am looking forward to meeting you there. 


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